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Microcalorimeter pulse-analysis software
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Check Hölzer data #191

Closed joefowler closed 4 years ago

joefowler commented 4 years ago

Original report by Joseph Fowler (Bitbucket: joe_fowler, ).

When we (ahem) typed up the Hölzer data into in January 2013, we typed one of the Cr K-alpha component’s widths incorrectly. 4.4740 should read 4.740. Fix this and check everything carefully!


joefowler commented 4 years ago

Original comment by Joseph Fowler (Bitbucket: joe_fowler, ).

One of the peak heights is 882 but should be 822. @{557058:9524f6a0-ef9f-4466-b913-d04e51ff9093} is a typo dog.

joefowler commented 4 years ago

Original comment by Joseph Fowler (Bitbucket: joe_fowler, ).

Check this problem with the following pass through some of the lines.

for element in ("Sc", "Ti", "V", "Cr", "Mn", "Fe", "Co", "Ni", "Cu"):
    for siegbahn in ("KAlpha", "KBeta"):
        if element == "Sc" and siegbahn == "KBeta":
        line = mass.spectra[f"{element}{siegbahn}"]
        print("\nLine: ", f"{element}{siegbahn}")
        print(" Energy    FWHM  Amplit  Iint")
        print(" ------    ----  ------  ----")
        for c, w, i1, i2 in zip(line.energies, line.lorentzian_fwhm,
            print(f"{c:.3f}  {w:.3f}  {i1:.3f}  {i2:.3f}")

joefowler commented 4 years ago

Original comment by Joseph Fowler (Bitbucket: joe_fowler, ).

Fix typos in Hölzer line profile data

Fixes #191.

joefowler commented 4 years ago

Original comment by Galen O'Neil (Bitbucket: oneilg, GitHub: oneilg).

should we have an automated test for the integrated intensity equals 1 within some factor for all lines defined without further normalization?

joefowler commented 4 years ago

Original comment by Joseph Fowler (Bitbucket: joe_fowler, ).

Sounded reasonable at first, but I don’t think so. Don’t we just assume that integral intensity is a derived quantity in all cases? I mean, even in those cases where the reference gives integral intensity (reference_amplitude_type=LORENTZIAN_INTEGRAL_INTENSITY), it’s still totally reasonable to expect that the reference is giving relative intensity. In other words, there’s no reference where it would be an error for the sum of these terms to be not-one.

I guess we could check after Mass performs rescaling, but it seems like it would catch only the most trivial of errors. It would not have caught the ones we’re talking about now.

joefowler commented 1 year ago

Original comment by Joseph Fowler (Bitbucket: joe_fowler, ).

Removing milestone: v0.7 (automated comment)