All solutions to this problem eventually go through Metapath.
Given #58, we can
[ ] Mock up a mini XSLT parsing XPath 3.0 paths using iXML in Saxon
[ ] Support with XSpec tests showing routine constructs
[ ] Migrate this XSLT into generation pipeline
[ ] As appropriate, provide InspectorXSLT with mitigations for known Issues (see #91)
[ ] Given a Metapath grammar, migrate syntax support to Metapath as supported by a Metapath grammar
58 is a dependency.
A Metapath grammar in iXML is a dependency.
Acceptance Criteria
[ ] All website and readme documentation affected by the changes in this issue have been updated. Changes to the website can be made in the docs/content directory of your branch.
[ ] A Pull Request (PR) is submitted that fully addresses the goals of this User Story. This issue is referenced in the PR.
[ ] The CI-CD build process runs without any reported errors on the PR. This can be confirmed by reviewing that all checks have passed in the PR.
{The items above are general acceptance criteria for all User Stories. Please describe anything else that must be completed for this issue to be considered resolved.}
User Story:
A current limitation of the InspectorXSLT is that its underlying implementation limits the use of
in constraints as documented here: Only a subset of XPath (not fully contiguous with Metapath) currently works correctly.All solutions to this problem eventually go through Metapath.
Given #58, we can
58 is a dependency.
A Metapath grammar in iXML is a dependency.
Acceptance Criteria
{The items above are general acceptance criteria for all User Stories. Please describe anything else that must be completed for this issue to be considered resolved.}