usnistgov / metaschema

Documentation for and implementations of the metaschema modeling language
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Models and instances with hidden or implied roots #522

Open aj-stein-nist opened 7 months ago

aj-stein-nist commented 7 months ago

User Story:

As a Metaschema tooling developer, to effectively model and process conforming instances for information and data models that do not have an explicit root objects, I want to be able to define an information model where there is no explicit root object, it is "hidden" or "implied." Discussion and explanation of those terms is below in the goals section.



Currently, Metaschema supports models where there is a defined root. For example, below is a simple model in the module below and a sample document.

Example model with current Metaschema ```xml Simple Metaschema 1.0 simple Root Root assembly top-level Identifier The document identifier ```
  "top-level": {"id": "test"}

If we were to attempt adapting this example to not have a top-level, the specification implies by absence this is not supported and tools generate/process the models incorrectly or explicitly throw errors. Therefore, you cannot model this.

{"id": "test"}

We can say here the "top-level" (or root) should be either explicitly hidden or implied for one or more field, flags, or assemblies (this is a very simplistic example of what is "the minimal viable data," but more complex minmally viable data structures like a combination of field, flag, and/or assemblies is possible, especially given SARIF.

Recently, the Metaschema maintainer team is evaluating the SARIF spec and format for constraint validation results) in #517 as part of #516. SARIF is one such format that will be hard to model unless a hidden or implied root can be defined. Below shows a pragmatic examples SARIF example.

Inline copy of the current SARIF model in JSON Schema for reference ```json { "version": "2.1.0", "$schema": "", "runs": [ { "tool": { "driver": { "name": "ESLint", "informationUri": "", "rules": [ { "id": "no-unused-vars", "shortDescription": { "text": "disallow unused variables" }, "helpUri": "", "properties": { "category": "Variables" } } ] } }, "artifacts": [ { "location": { "uri": "file:///C:/dev/sarif/sarif-tutorials/samples/Introduction/simple-example.js" } } ], "results": [ { "level": "error", "message": { "text": "'x' is assigned a value but never used." }, "locations": [ { "physicalLocation": { "artifactLocation": { "uri": "file:///C:/dev/sarif/sarif-tutorials/samples/Introduction/simple-example.js", "index": 0 }, "region": { "startLine": 1, "startColumn": 5 } } } ], "ruleId": "no-unused-vars", "ruleIndex": 0 } ] } ] } ```

In the near-term, the current workaround is adding an explicit placeholder root. Medium to long-term this epic will identity design work and spec modifications to formally support a hidden and/or implied root and roll back such workarounds.

Use Case 1: Single Valued Items

Use Case 2: Grouped Values (XML Sequences, JSON Arrays)


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Acceptance Criteria

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