usnistgov / pv2

Present Value of PhotoVoltaics (PV2) is an app that allows homeowners to determine a complete cost of ownership for residential rooftop solar PV systems.
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Potential Future Capabilities #79

Open jkneifel opened 2 years ago

jkneifel commented 2 years ago

Created this issue for a place to drop ideas for new capabilities, improvements, etc.

jkneifel commented 2 years ago

Auto-populate rate schedule data from OpenEI Utility Rate Database API Use zip code to map to available utilities in the API. Provide drop down of available utilities. Based on selected utility, populate the electric rate schedule data.

Note 1: I thought of this idea, 1 beta tester recommended something similar, and 1 user recommended this after release. Note 2: Both NREL's SAM software and Sandia's QuESt software already do this as well as other potential new features (battery storage and rate schedule analysis). We can use these as a basis for our own code or call on their APIs to leverage their work.

jkneifel commented 2 years ago

Provide users with pre-solar quote analysis option to determine if solar is feasible by using default data and PVWatt/SAM. Include question before utility input: "Do you want to use data from a solar installation proposal or typical data for your location?" If select typical data then we auto-populate based on location (state) We can map data from Track the Sun or EnergySage for typical system (size, efficiency, inverter type, cost) by state Add a question: "What direction will the system face (Azimuth)?" with a drop down list of directions/azimuth values. Use the PVWatt or SAM API with the size, efficiency, and azimuth with default assumptions on everything else to estimate and populate annual production. Use Rewiring America API for financial incentives by location.

jkneifel commented 2 years ago

Update the environmental impacts and SCC values to be dynamic over time based on one or more scenarios. Could include multiple: SCC projections, emissions rates projections Use Cambium or Electricity Baseline data Use federal guidance for SCC when its finally released Add non-constant SCC values, including different scenario options. Change constant $51 to increasing value over time. Add more scenarios based on federal guidance.

jkneifel commented 2 years ago

Include battery storage. Initially could simply include battery information and costs in in the system information and cost pages. Add inputs for expected power outages annually. Use benefits estimates to calculate the additional value and include the benefits value as another line item in the report (if battery is included). More complexity could be to include it as an option within the current system information and cost pages. Results would need to include results with and without the battery storage.

Note: We can leverage SAM or QuESt or REopt or PRESTO software/APIs.

jkneifel commented 2 years ago

Add non-linear degradation rate. Some panel warranties provide guaranteed production that decreases non-linearly. (e.g., Sunpower warranty example.)

jkneifel commented 2 years ago

Add constant energy price escalation rate option. Someone may prefer to use a single value. could use EERC values instead of the non-linear escalation rates.

jkneifel commented 2 years ago

Add in a loan calculator. Based on total loan value, interest rate, down payment, and loan length. Provide default interest rate and loan length.

jkneifel commented 2 years ago

Allow a fill down or constant input value for SRECs Default values for SREC values. Find sources: recent contract options, SRECTrade, SolSystems, etc.

jkneifel commented 2 years ago

Add a Green Power Purchasing option for the base case: after the utility is typed in, ask "Are you currently paying a premium for green power?" If yes, then provide a dropdown of options of the type of power (100% solar, 100% wind, 100% renewable, ...) Based on these selections, modify the LCA calculations. This requires additional LCA data from NETL on those types of mixes instead of using BA-level data.

jkneifel commented 2 years ago

Add option to include a separate utility connection fee (example: my neighbors are starting to be told by PEPCO they have to pay 3K-10K for line upgrades. This can currently be included in Total Installation Costs, but its not as obvious. Plus it may have to be paid separately instead of included in the loan option.

jkneifel commented 2 years ago

Add option for re-roofing cost. This is a separate calculation because it depends on the remaining life of the current roof to determine what portion of the re-roofing cost is actually an additional cost. For example, if the roof needs replacing already, then the re-roofing would occur independent of the solar PV decision. However, if the roof is replaced at the same time as the solar is installed then the federal tax credit applies to those costs as well. How do we want to handle this scenario?

jkneifel commented 2 years ago

Allow for inclusion of multiple quotes in a single set of results. This would require being able to add multiple columns to Solar PV System to allow for more than one system. Solar PV Costs would also need more than one column that would map to the systems listed in from Solar PV System. The results would need to include a box for each system in System Summary and Results Summary Graphs would need include include all systems on the graph. All Inputs would need a drop down to select which system you want to look at the inputs for. The CSV would need to add columns for each system option. The report would need to replicate itself for all system options and include a summary page that compares the different systems.

jkneifel commented 2 years ago

Discount Rate calculator using lottery?

jkneifel commented 2 years ago

Use EnergySage database API to provide "typical" dist'n of values for comparison to actual quote based on actual system selected. User would select the system based on manufacturer and model and the cost data dist'n for the selected state would display automatically. When the user inserts their cost values, it would add that value to the graph to see where it fits in the dist'n.

jkneifel commented 2 years ago

Create NLP module to read a solar proposal and auto-populate solar pv info and cost data and electricity consumption and cost data. Each solar proposal should have the same basic information but possibly in different locations.

jkneifel commented 2 years ago

Update main page with more graphic (may be from PAO). "The home page should show some solar panels!" Suggest make the start button bigger. Add link to E3 landing page.

jkneifel commented 2 years ago

Add representative time of use rate schedules:

  1. load profiles with and without storage
  2. annual consumption by fuel type
  3. rate schedules
  4. location Note: We can leverage SAM or QuESt software
jkneifel commented 2 years ago

Modify to work better on different devices.

jkneifel commented 1 year ago

Make federal tax credit editable for use in Canada (per request from a Canadian user).

jkneifel commented 1 year ago

Add alternative residual value / salvage value / resale value calculation methods: future electricity generation, wholesale resale market, increased home value.

jkneifel commented 1 year ago

Light up specific missing value in red, either when something is missing, or start as red and then turn black when required input is added.

jkneifel commented 1 year ago

Add multiple Costs options: Could be used to compare financing options (one-year same as cash, long term loan, cash, other) or quotes for the exact same system from different installers (less likely since equipment is typically not the same across installers) Can only currently compare Cash or Loan as well as a PPA/Lease Should allow for adding multiple loan options (length, down payment, loan payments, timing) Should allow for also changing the installation costs.

jkneifel commented 1 year ago

Improve guidance for errors in advanced drop down menus: Currently the page is given a red !, but when you go to the page you cannot see the red text where the error is because its hidden in the advanced drop down. Need to either highlight red the advanced menu title or automatically display the menu so the user can immediately see where the incorrect input is located.

jkneifel commented 1 year ago

Very long term capability: evaluate ADDING to a an existing system or REPLACING an existing system. Must allow the base case to be an existing system instead of grid-based electricity.

jkneifel commented 1 year ago

Improve the discount rate input page by making it more layperson friendly: Ask the user whether they want to be guided to a discount rate or input their own values. If they want guidance then ask them the following question: "Which of the follow represents what you would do with the money are you considering investing in the solar photovoltaic system?" Drop down options: Place in savings account Make additional payments on your mortgage Invest in government bonds (or similar low risk investment) Invest in the stock market (or similar high risk investment)

If Savings, then ask a follow up question: "What is your interest rate for this account?" If Mortgage, then ask a follow up question: "What is your interest rate for your mortgage?" Allow for the selection of "I do not know" or inputting a percent Default values for the real, nominal, and inflation rate are auto-populated based on the answers. The current content on discount rates is hidden or set as an advanced option.

If input their own, then show them the current selection options. Then show the current discount rate content. This is for someone that knows what discount rates are.

jkneifel commented 1 year ago

Update user guide with new information: new discount rate/return on investment info include risk-adjusted discount rate explanation

jkneifel commented 9 months ago

Add a Chatbot for the user to ask questions about the tool. Train using the user guide and select resources.

jkneifel commented 9 months ago

Create a chatbot version of [PV]^2.