ust-helloworld / The-Avengers-forming

This project is an application skeleton. It is used for a HKUST Software Engineering Course (COMP3111/H) in Fall 2016/17. My goal: The project is not asking students to re-produce the sample project. We should encourage students to do something better than the TA.
MIT License
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firebase Structure update #80

Open p-wong1124 opened 7 years ago

p-wong1124 commented 7 years ago

I am going to use this structure ps. edited at 12/11/2016

in /

event <---used to save event user <---used to save user profile

in /event

abc <---- an example of event def <-----an another example of event

in /event/abc

admin <---used to store param(maxTeamNum&minTeamNum,imgURL, description,), and owner (renewed on 13/11/2016) member <--- used to store user who entered to the event team <--- used to store team data

in /event/abc/admin/param (update in 24/11)

maxTeamNum minTeamNum imgURL description owner <-- who can edit the parameters of param and perform group merge (force)

in /event/abc/team

teamA <---- example of team teamB <-----example of team

in /event/abc/team/teamA

leader: userA <---data to store who owns the team size: 8 <-----the size of the team teamMember:["wow","asdf"]<-- array of members who entered the team. mergeRequests: ["teamB"] <-- if teamA wants to merge with teamB, teamA sends a mergeRequest #11 (proposed) invitationRequests: ["xdd"] <-- if teamA wants to invite one member with no team joined, teamA sends a invitation. (proposed)

in /event/abc/member/xdd

name: "xdd" <--his displayname selection : ["teamA","teamB"] <-- sending invitation to both team joinedTeam : <--- empty string if no group, team name will be stored if the user has join a team (proposed)

in /user

userA <---folder storing userA's detail wow <----folder storing wow's detail

in /user/userA (updated 24/11)

description : "hello I am userA" <--- string data for storing description name: "User A" <---string showing display name skill: ["C++","Python"] <---array to store his skill comments : ["not very good ar","why this will be happen"] <--store other's comments towards this person (proposed) own: ["/event/abc/team/teamA"] <--an array storing his permission on editing sth <--proposed and wait for discussion like <--save like point (proposed) dislike <--- save dislike point (proposed)

wai2016 commented 7 years ago
