ust-helloworld / The-Avengers-forming

This project is an application skeleton. It is used for a HKUST Software Engineering Course (COMP3111/H) in Fall 2016/17. My goal: The project is not asking students to re-produce the sample project. We should encourage students to do something better than the TA.
MIT License
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Cannot create a button on the event.html #82

Closed p-wong1124 closed 7 years ago

p-wong1124 commented 7 years ago

For code here,

<div class="row">
                <div class="col-md-4 text-center" ng-repeat = "x in team">
                    <h3 class="text-center"><a href="team.html">{{x.$id}}</a></h3>
                    <a class="thumbnail" href="team.html"> <img src="img/team.jpg"></a><br>
                     Preferred team size: <span class="badge">{{x.size}}</span> <br>
                     Current teamMember: <span class = "badge">{{x.teamMembers.length}}</span><br>
                     Current team members: <div ng-repeat = "member in x.teamMembers track by $index">{{member}}</div> <br>
                     Team Leader: {{x.leader}}<br>
                     <a href = "teamDisplay.html?e={{eventName}}&q={{x.$id}}" class = "btn-primary">Go To Team Detail</a>

                    <p class="text-center">your position</p>
                    <span class="btn btn-default" ng-click = "sendRequest(x.$id)">Request</span>
                    <!-- Help me to create a clickable button. Don't know why here cannot put a button here-->


In my changing on the event.html, I found out that even using button/a tag, the button created is not clickable/ it is disabled. Can anyone help ?