ustaxcourt / ef-cms

An Electronic Filing / Case Management System.
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FLAKY TEST: `noticeOfChangeOfAddressQCJourney.test.ts` #3986

Open rachelschneiderman opened 9 months ago

rachelschneiderman commented 9 months ago

Path to Test File


Readout of the failure


Sometimes the failure occurs in the step practitionerUpdatesAddress in the last expectation (see below) because state.alertSuccess was undefined when that test step was executed.

      message: 'Changes saved.',

What were you working on?


Definition of Done (Updated 4-14-21)


mmarcotte commented 9 months ago

Observed on another PR. Failed action

AIL web-client/integration-tests/noticeOfChangeOfAddressQCJourney.test.ts (473.761 s)
  ● Console

      Waited 14000ms for the userContactEditProgress.inProgress to hide

      at log (integration-tests/helpers.ts:1035:11)

      Waited 0ms for the progressIndicator.waitingForResponse to hide

      at log (integration-tests/helpers.ts:1035:11)

  ● noticeOfChangeOfAddressQCJourney › practitioner updates address

    thrown: "Exceeded timeout of 70000 ms for a test.
    Add a timeout value to this test to increase the timeout, if this is a long-running test. See"

      4 |
      5 | export const practitionerUpdatesAddress = cerebralTest => {
    > 6 |   return it('practitioner updates address', async () => {
        |          ^
      7 |     await cerebralTest.runSequence('gotoUserContactEditSequence');
      8 |
      9 |     await cerebralTest.runSequence('updateFormValueSequence', {

      at it (integration-tests/journey/practitionerUpdatesAddress.ts:6:10)
      at integration-tests/noticeOfChangeOfAddressQCJourney.test.ts:63:29
      at Object.describe (integration-tests/noticeOfChangeOfAddressQCJourney.test.ts:16:1)

  ● noticeOfChangeOfAddressQCJourney › Docket Clerk QCs NCA for case with paper service


    Matcher error: received value must be a non-null object

    Received has value: undefined

      41 |     );
      42 |
    > 43 |     expect(noticeOfChangeOfAddressQCItem).toMatchObject({
         |                                           ^
      44 |       docketEntry: { documentTitle: 'Notice of Change of Address' },
      45 |     });
      46 |

      at toMatchObject (integration-tests/journey/docketClerkQCsNCAForCaseWithPaperService.ts:43:43)
      at call (integration-tests/journey/docketClerkQCsNCAForCaseWithPaperService.ts:2:1)
      at Generator.tryCatch (integration-tests/journey/docketClerkQCsNCAForCaseWithPaperService.ts:2:1)
      at Generator._invoke [as next] (integration-tests/journey/docketClerkQCsNCAForCaseWithPaperService.ts:2:1)
      at asyncGeneratorStep (integration-tests/journey/docketClerkQCsNCAForCaseWithPaperService.ts:2:1)
      at asyncGeneratorStep (integration-tests/journey/docketClerkQCsNCAForCaseWithPaperService.ts:2:1)
Absolutestunna commented 9 months ago

Observed in this PR as well. Here's the action

Screenshot 2023-09-25 at 10 03 51 AM
Absolutestunna commented 9 months ago


We conducted an experiment to add privatePractitioner 2 to cases and the results are as follows:

  1. private practitioner 2 - 65.927s, 60.372s, 59.462s
  2. private practitioner - 78.802s, 76.104s, 76.637s

Based on the time difference, we have made the adjustments to use to reduce the time the test takes to run. Here's the PR: