ustulation / p2p

NAT Traversal techniques for p2p communication
BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License
133 stars 28 forks source link

Rendezvous IGD port timeout should be configurable/disableable #24

Closed canndrew closed 5 years ago

canndrew commented 6 years ago

Rather than always set to 5min. It's possible (?) that some routers might kill a connection if the port expires while there's an active connection on it. We should investigate whether this fear is justified and whether we need to make it so the timeout can be disabled.

povilasb commented 5 years ago

IGD use in this crate will be removed completely. We want p2p to be solely responsible for hole punching. That will make crate a lot more simple and easier to maintain.

ustulation commented 5 years ago

No longer relevant