ustulation / p2p

NAT Traversal techniques for p2p communication
BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License
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Increase rendezvous connection info exchange timeouts #40

Closed povilasb closed 6 years ago

povilasb commented 6 years ago

With too short timeouts connections might be prematurily dropped - especially with manual tests.

Also, note that this change indicates duplicate code. It would be really easy to extract it. I simply wonder how to deal with different error types:

                        .next_or_else(|| TcpRendezvousConnectError::ChannelClosed)
                        .and_then(|opt| opt.ok_or(TcpRendezvousConnectError::ChannelTimedOut))

In case of UDP code is identical except that errors are of UdpRendezvousConnectError type.

canndrew commented 6 years ago

In terms of de-duplication you could move RENDEZVOUS_INFO_EXCHANGE_TIMEOUT_SEC up to a higher module. But I think it's fine the way it is.

povilasb commented 6 years ago

I meant the whole code snippet, not only the constant :)