ususdei / qute-keepassxc

Qutebrowser userscript to fetch credentials from KeepassXC password database
MIT License
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File not Found while using keys #14

Open Cinux90 opened 2 years ago

Cinux90 commented 2 years ago

Hi all,

I am too stupid for the awesome plugin... :D

I have configured the keybind as following:

config.bind('<Alt-Shift-u>', 'spawn --userscript ~/.local/share/qutebrowser/userscripts/qute-keepassxc --key 6049B92B -p /home/cinux/Dokumente/keepassx/mpmpc.kdbx ', mode='insert')

and face following error: ´´´ There was an error opening the DB: [Errno 2] Datei oder Verzeichnis nicht gefunden: '6049B92B'

So what do i miss or misunderstand?
Maybe any additional software needed for key handling?

Thanks for any hint
ususdei commented 2 years ago

I am a little confused, to be honest?

What ist -p /path/to/db supposed to do? This script will not open KeepassXC for you - you need to start it yourself once and usually it has remembered your database.

Where does that error come from? As mentioned the script does not open any KBDX by itself.

Can you try again with the line reduced to just

config.bind('<Alt-Shift-u>', 'spawn --userscript ~/.local/share/qutebrowser/userscripts/qute-keepassxc --key 6049B92B', mode='insert')

Then start keepassxc in the background, switch to qutebrowser and trigger the keybinding and see what happens?

Cinux90 commented 2 years ago

I am a little confused, to be honest? You are not alone with that :)

Of course keepass is running:

cinux ~ $ ps aux | grep [k]ee
cinux       1003  0.0  0.6 817536 100248 ?       SLl  Nov24   0:39 keepassxc

So now the binding looks as following:

config.bind('<Alt-Shift-u>', 'spawn --userscript ~/.local/share/qutebrowser/userscripts/qute-keepassxc --key 6049B92B', mode='insert')

But then if face following issue:

09:40:37 ERROR: Process stderr:
usage: qute-keepassxc [-h] --path PATH [--keyfile-path KEYFILE_PATH]
                      [--no-password] [--dmenu-invocation DMENU_INVOCATION]
                      [--dmenu-format DMENU_FORMAT] [--no-insert-mode]
                      [--io-encoding IO_ENCODING]
                      [--username-fill-only | --password-fill-only]
qute-keepassxc: error: the following arguments are required: --path/-p

If i use the binding from the first comment without the key part it works without any issue. So I'm also confused :D

ususdei commented 2 years ago

Ah, now I get it...

You symlinked the wrong script. That is not the commandline for this script called qute-keepassxc but probably for qute-keepass which is shipped with qutebrowser.

Cinux90 commented 2 years ago

Haa.. you are right. I must have mixed up the two scripts.

However now the correct script is triggered but i face following error message:

15:19:21 ERROR: 'message'

No idea what this could mean ^^' Any idea? Or should I open up a new Issue?