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USWDS-Site: Investigate replacing pa11y with axe-core #1884

Open amyleadem opened 1 year ago

amyleadem commented 1 year ago

pa11y-ci 2.x uses an outdated version of pa11y, but upgrading to pa11y-ci 3.x introduces a host of false positives (See notes below for more details).

We should investigate what it would take to use axe-core in in place of pa11y-ci.

amyleadem commented 1 year ago

pa11y 3 notes

Related pa11y and pa11y-ci issues and PRs

Axe rule set:

Setup - pa11y 2.4.2

.pa11yci config:

  "defaults": {
    "userAgent": "pa11y",
    "timeout": 120000,
    "concurrency": 2,
    "standard": "WCAG2AA",
    "runners": ["axe"]
> pa11y-ci:sitemap
> pa11y-ci --sitemap http://localhost:4000/sitemap.xml --sitemap-exclude '/*.pdf|next/'

Running Pa11y on 169 URLs:
 > http://localhost:4000/components/accordion/ - 0 errors
 > http://localhost:4000/components/alert/ - 0 errors
 > http://localhost:4000/components/banner/ - 0 errors
 > http://localhost:4000/components/breadcrumb/ - 0 errors
 > http://localhost:4000/components/button-group/ - 0 errors
 > http://localhost:4000/components/button/ - 0 errors
 > http://localhost:4000/components/card/ - 0 errors
 > http://localhost:4000/components/character-count/ - 0 errors
 > http://localhost:4000/components/checkbox/ - 0 errors
 > http://localhost:4000/components/collection/ - 0 errors
 > http://localhost:4000/components/combo-box/ - 0 errors
 > http://localhost:4000/components/data-visualizations/ - 0 errors

Setup - pa11y 3.0.1

.pa11yci config (Updated concurrency config to use default value of 1 - this prevents failed to run issues):

  "defaults": {
    "userAgent": "pa11y",
    "timeout": 120000,
    "standard": "WCAG2AA",
    "runners": ["axe"]
❯ npm run pa11y-ci:sitemap                                  

> pa11y-ci:sitemap
> pa11y-ci --sitemap http://localhost:4000/sitemap.xml --sitemap-exclude '/*.pdf|next/'

Running Pa11y on 169 URLs:
 > http://localhost:4000/components/accordion/ - 17 errors
 > http://localhost:4000/components/alert/ - 6 errors
 > http://localhost:4000/components/banner/ - 2 errors
 > http://localhost:4000/components/breadcrumb/ - 2 errors
 > http://localhost:4000/components/button-group/ - 4 errors
 > http://localhost:4000/components/button/ - 2 errors
 > http://localhost:4000/components/card/ - 2 errors
 > http://localhost:4000/components/character-count/ - 2 errors
 > http://localhost:4000/components/checkbox/ - 3 errors
 > http://localhost:4000/components/collection/ - 2 errors
 > http://localhost:4000/components/combo-box/ - 2 errors
 > http://localhost:4000/components/data-visualizations/ - 35 errors

Error details:

❯ pa11y-ci http://localhost:4000/components/alert/
Running Pa11y on 1 URLs:
 > http://localhost:4000/components/alert/ - 6 errors

Errors in http://localhost:4000/components/alert/:

 • Elements must have sufficient color contrast


   <h2 id="alert-preview">Component preview</h2>

 • Elements must have sufficient color contrast

   (#alert-preview-content > div:nth-child(2) > div > p > a)

   <a class="usa-link" href="javascript:void(0);">consectetur adipiscing</a>

 • Elements must have sufficient color contrast

   (#alert-preview-content > div:nth-child(3) > div > p > a)

   <a class="usa-link" href="javascript:void(0);">consectetur adipiscing</a>

 • Elements must have sufficient color contrast

   (#alert-preview-content > div:nth-child(4) > div > p > a)

   <a class="usa-link" href="javascript:void(0);">consectetur adipiscing</a>

 • Elements must have sufficient color contrast

   (#alert-preview-content > div:nth-child(5) > div > p > a)

   <a class="usa-link" href="javascript:void(0);">consectetur adipiscing</a>

 • Elements must have sufficient color contrast


   <h2 id="alert-code">Component code</h2>

✘ 0/1 URLs passed

Setup - pa11y 3.0.1 with HTML Codesniffer runner

  "defaults": {
    "userAgent": "pa11y",
    "timeout": 120000,
    "standard": "WCAG2AA"
> pa11y-ci:sitemap
> pa11y-ci --sitemap http://localhost:4000/sitemap.xml --sitemap-exclude '/*.pdf|next/'

Running Pa11y on 169 URLs:
 > http://localhost:4000/components/accordion/ - 0 errors
 > http://localhost:4000/components/alert/ - 0 errors
 > http://localhost:4000/components/banner/ - 0 errors
 > http://localhost:4000/components/breadcrumb/ - 0 errors
 > http://localhost:4000/components/button-group/ - 0 errors
 > http://localhost:4000/components/button/ - 0 errors
 > http://localhost:4000/components/card/ - 0 errors
 > http://localhost:4000/components/character-count/ - 2 errors
 > http://localhost:4000/components/checkbox/ - 1 errors
 > http://localhost:4000/components/collection/ - 0 errors
 > http://localhost:4000/components/combo-box/ - 0 errors
 > http://localhost:4000/components/data-visualizations/ - 0 errors
 > http://localhost:4000/components/date-picker/ - 0 errors

Setup - pa11y 3.0.1 - ignore color contrast

  "defaults": {
    "userAgent": "pa11y",
    "timeout": 120000,
    "standard": "WCAG2AA",
    "runners": ["axe"]

Passing --ignore color-contrast flag resolves errors

Adding ignore configuration to .pa11yci

  "defaults": {
    "userAgent": "pa11y",
    "timeout": 120000,
    "standard": "WCAG2AA",
    "runners": ["axe"],
    "ignore": ["error", "warning", "notice"]

Running pa11y-ci results in 0 errors: pa11y-ci http://localhost:4000/components/accordion/

Editing ignore configuration to ignore color contrast

  "defaults": {
    "userAgent": "pa11y",
    "timeout": 120000,
    "standard": "WCAG2AA",
    "runners": ["axe"],
    "ignore": ["color-contrast"]