uswitch / vault-creds

Sidecar container for requesting dynamic Vault database secrets
Apache License 2.0
84 stars 14 forks source link

Fix for Jobs living forever when attached to the vault-creds sidecar #5

Closed mveritym closed 6 years ago

mveritym commented 6 years ago

Watching for the existence of a completion file into a shared volume to mark that a worker container in the same pod has successfully completed.

In a short-lived job, the worker container might successfully complete but the vault-creds container will live forever so the job will too. Both the worker container and the vault-creds sidecar should mount the same empty directory – just before the worker finishes it should write a file to indicate it's finished and signalling the vault-creds sidecar to terminate. Should not affect long lived services using vault-creds.

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