ut-ras / r5-2019

Region 5 2018-2019
MIT License
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Vision/db_scan #30

Closed dimembermatt closed 5 years ago

dimembermatt commented 5 years ago


Pull request to merge vision/db_scan with dev. Working version of module DB_SCAN3.py and readme instructions in the main subdirectory.

API Changes

Adds module db_scan with functions db_scan::output_single (a colored mask of all identified objects) and db_scan::output_individual (a set of masks with each individual object). Internal functions including coloring, separating masks, and db_scan are restricted from the user.


Run tests with python test_dbscan.py <input> <radius> <density> <options>:


Things that need to be done but aren't critical (that you promise to get done)


Works as is, robustly, and as of this moment, with no noticeable or life-threatening flaws. Requires an input greyscale image to work properly.

thetianshuhuang commented 5 years ago

Please remove all older versions of your code; that's what git is for! The idea is that only the most recent copy is kept in any given version; to access older versions, instead of having ..._v1, _v2, etc, you can just pull up an older commit. I'm also not sure why there are so many files in the commit; you should avoid committing test results and old tests.

thetianshuhuang commented 5 years ago

I organized the folders (dbscan -> vision/dbscan) and added some optimizations. The profile function is copied in; this will probably be turned into a submodule or core module later since it's too useful to be kept to just dbscan.