ut-ras / r5-2020

Region 5 2019-2020
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Antenna Interfacing #22

Open dimembermatt opened 4 years ago

dimembermatt commented 4 years ago

For communicating with the litterbug, we are using the Adafruit RFM69HCW Packet Radio Breakouts. This is a radio transceiver modules for long distance data communication.

With an SPI interface, this breakout has 9 pins you need to look at:

Further information on the RPI's SPI is found here. A complete pin mapping of the final robot is found here in sheet Final Pinout.

Choosing an antenna Further information on setting up and testing the module Test Code for pi and companion transceiver General guide on the breakout by Adafruit (arduino code)

In order to test the radio transceiver, you need a secondary radio to send and receive data. A possibility is the Adafruit Feather m0. It comes fully assembled and tested, and easy to power on and start up. It requires a lipoly battery and USB. Use with Arduino IDE.

This task needs the following completed:

dimembermatt commented 4 years ago

Update 2/20/20:

I've agreed with Ramsey that this project can be done independently using two Feather M0s. One of the Feather M0s can be logically disconnected from the rpi (there will be a switch connecting the two to turn them both on/off simultaneously).

On game startup, pressing the power switch will power the Feather on, and it will continuously attempt to receive/broadcast litter bug messages until power off.

Since the Feather uses arduino code (C++), the following code can be adapted. Node code can be found here.

Possibly helpful documentation:

This task has been reduced to the following: