ut-robotics / picr21-team-bts

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Utilize existing way of calculating driving speeds #78

Open Akustav opened 2 years ago

Akustav commented 2 years ago

I suggest using this method for most speed calculations: https://github.com/ut-robotics/picr21-team-bts/blob/09e9488ed37ca8907c14233833fe658abc6a5cc7/BTS%20dev/maneuver_inator.py#L27

It provides a steeper acceleration curve when objects are far away. This provides you with more responsive driving. But you need to keep a few points in mind:

I am sure this will help you score more faster.


Silaris commented 2 years ago

Do not remember, how this function works. Tried it, the robot was moving not as expected, moved the old function back. The quadratic scale inside it makes it difficult to fit our current linear formulas.

Akustav commented 2 years ago

If your code is tuned for pure linearity, then nothing can be done at this point.

Below is a chart showing how speeds are calculated with different parameters: sqrt = calculateRelativeSpeed(i, 100, 0, 300, 0, 50) with normalizedDeltaFrac = sign * np.power(absoluteDeltaFrac, 2) lin = calculateRelativeSpeed(i, 100, 0, 300, 0, 50) with normalizedDeltaFrac = sign * np.power(absoluteDeltaFrac, 1) normal = calculateRelativeSpeed(i, 100, 0, 50, 0, 50)

The difference is profound where max speed is held for more time and breaking occurs later.
