utahiosmac / Marshal

Marshaling the typeless wild west of [String: Any]
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Parsing objects no longer works #54

Open benjaminsnorris opened 8 years ago

benjaminsnorris commented 8 years ago

We recently updated to v0.9.6, and found that some parsing is now broken. Previously, we could do

let dictionary: [String: Bool] = try object <| key

Now, I have to do something more like:

guard let dictionary = try object.anyForKey(key) as? [String: Bool] else { throw _ }

Another example is that I previously did this without problem:

let dictionary: [String: [String: JSONObject]] = try object <| key
KingOfBrian commented 7 years ago

Hey @benjaminsnorris -- can you try out #86 ? I added a quick test for it and it was failing on master with value(for:. That's now working, and I'm guessing that the <| will work, but I'm not sure.

benjaminsnorris commented 7 years ago

Thanks @KingOfBrian for checking on this. It seems to still be broken. Here is an example from a quick playground I made:

//: Playground - noun: a place where people can play

import UIKit
import Marshal

let teamJSON: JSONObject = [
    "name": "Engineering",
    "managerId": "manager.id",
    "teamMemberIds": [
        "teamMember.id": true,
        "secondTeamMember.id": true,
        "thirdTeamMember.id": true,

struct Team: Unmarshaling {
    var name: String?
    var teamMemberIds = [String: Bool]()
    var managerId: String?

    init(object: MarshaledObject) throws {
        if let teamMemberIdDictionaries: [String: Bool] = try object.value(for: "teamMemberIds") {
            teamMemberIds = teamMemberIdDictionaries
        } else {
            teamMemberIds = [:]
        managerId = try object <| "managerId"
        name = try object <| "name"


let team = try? Team(object: teamJSON)
KingOfBrian commented 7 years ago

Thanks for the snipit, that actually pointed out a bug in the non-operator code. PR coming shortly.

benjaminsnorris commented 7 years ago

Just in case it's the same thing, with the latest changes, parsing [String: JSONObject] also broke. If it's unrelated, I'll create a separate issue.

KingOfBrian commented 7 years ago

I believe that is a known issue about not supporting nested containers (#76). I believe we can fix it, but the code duplication gets painful. I'd log an issue, note #76 and see what he thinks.

KingOfBrian commented 7 years ago

Can you try out #91 @benjaminsnorris ? I think that will fix the operators, and you found a fun bug in the optional dictionary extraction which should force a new version unfortunately.

Also, just a note from your snip-it, I really like the succinctness of the ?? for optional value for's that default to an empty container.

teamMemberIds = try object.value(for: "teamMemberIds") ?? [:]
benjaminsnorris commented 7 years ago

@KingOfBrian sweet! If we get this working, I would love to be able to use the succinct version of the optional parsing. That will help clean things up considerably.

benjaminsnorris commented 7 years ago

@KingOfBrian unfortunately, it does not work. It parses just fine when the key is there, but when the key is not there, I get the Key not found error.

KingOfBrian commented 7 years ago

Great catch @benjaminsnorris -- That was actually a bug, if you update that other branch it should work. I blame the cold.

jarsen commented 7 years ago

whoops not sure how this got closed by that PR