i got as far as what i typed below and i cant find a workaround or the correct py scripts to go further. the py script "distribute_setup.py" may be broken or incompatible.
~/workspace $ sudo python3 get-pip.py
You're using an outdated location for the get-pip.py script, please use the one available from https://bootstrap.pypa.io/get-pip.py
i cant go any further with the install and the nif plugin does not show in blender. i tried other methods of installing as well, like targeting the zip file in blender UI and installing that way, or pasting the appropriate files into their respective folders, but still no plugin. this is really starting to put a hurt on workflow, 3 days now of trying to go on a wild goose chase just to figure out how to install a simple plugin.
forked from https://github.com/niftools/blender_nif_plugin
i got as far as what i typed below and i cant find a workaround or the correct py scripts to go further. the py script "distribute_setup.py" may be broken or incompatible.
and when i try to do the following
this is only doing as per instructions listed here http://niftools.sourceforge.net/doc/blender_nif_plugin/development/setup.html
now i replaced the get-pip.py with the one they recommended in the warning, but the other one with the html4 gobbledy gook is what has me stumped.
the whole text of the script "distribute_setup.py" is as follows and was that way when i downloaded it from the link on the page i linked above
i cant go any further with the install and the nif plugin does not show in blender. i tried other methods of installing as well, like targeting the zip file in blender UI and installing that way, or pasting the appropriate files into their respective folders, but still no plugin. this is really starting to put a hurt on workflow, 3 days now of trying to go on a wild goose chase just to figure out how to install a simple plugin.