A simple CRUD/search profile system for research profiles, providing user-editable information and basic pages to aesthetically promote and highlight researcher activities and achievements.
Implements changes made in the school html element research_profile[schools][] in the research student application form as proposed in #122.
Changes in the Tags Modal Livewire component include:
Change the type of the tags_type property from string to array to use as an array of multiple elements with the format: TagType\SchoolShortName (i.e. [App\Student\BBS, App\Student\ECS]) to filter the tags shown in the modal based on the school selection.
Add the include_view property (string) to pass a blade.js file path with the js code to handle the interaction of removing/adding elements to the array tags_type and refresh the component.
Change the sync_tags method to Loops through tags_type to sync tags.
Display message to select the school to list the tags available when no school selection has been made.