utdal / profiles

A simple CRUD/search profile system for research profiles, providing user-editable information and basic pages to aesthetically promote and highlight researcher activities and achievements.
MIT License
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Badges feature #126

Open wunc opened 11 months ago

wunc commented 11 months ago

Add a new "badges" feature that would allow admins to assign badges to profiles. These should be customizable in that there should be an interface to define the available badges. They should be somewhat subtly displayed on the profile so as to be informative and promotional, but not shaming.

Examples of badges and admin could define:

wunc commented 11 months ago

This is an interesting concept, basically a standard for creating transferable credential badges: https://openbadges.org/

However, I don't think we'd want to implement it since it requires some PII to be embedded in the badge image file, and it's unlikely the kind of badges we're adding would need to be transferred elsewhere.