utexas-bwi / eband_local_planner

ROS Local planner based on the eband approach. Based on the original implementation by Christian Connette and Bhaskara Marathi. This local planner has been adapted primarily for differential drive robots, but still supports the original holonomic drive controls.
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Error while trying cuts the plan off (reduces it to local window) #41

Open RodrigoFBernardo opened 2 years ago

RodrigoFBernardo commented 2 years ago

I want to reduce my global plan to the local window, using this function:

eband_local_planner::transformGlobalPlan(*tf_, global_plan_, *costmap_ros_, costmap_ros_->getGlobalFrameID(), transformed_plan_, start_end_counts);

But I have this error:

undefined symbol: _ZN19eband_local_planner19transformGlobalPlanERKN7tf2_ros6BufferERKSt6vectorIN13geometry_msgs12PoseStamped_ISaIvEEESaIS8_EERN10costmap_2d12Costmap2DROSERKNSt7__cxx1112basic_stringIcSt11char_traitsIcESaIcEEERSA_RS4_IiSaIiEE Thank you in advance for your help