utiasDSL / gym-pybullet-drones

PyBullet Gymnasium environments for single and multi-agent reinforcement learning of quadcopter control
MIT License
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How can I use the NVIDIA GPU in Docker to run this project? #187

Open EzioPeter opened 5 months ago

EzioPeter commented 5 months ago

I tried running nvidia-settings, but since the container cannot be shut down, I cannot modify the PRIME Profiles.

JacopoPan commented 5 months ago

If you have GPU acceleration in the container, it should work for Bullet, this project, and any other software in it.

EzioPeter commented 5 months ago

I'm able to run python in docker and mount to gpu, but it still shows the author saying in the readme that the prompt: Failed to create and OpenGL context. And nvidia-settings needs to be modified, but nvidia-settings in docker doesn't seem to have PRIME Profiles