utiasDSL / gym-pybullet-drones

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RPM Motor Mapping #196

Open zcase opened 3 months ago

zcase commented 3 months ago

@JacopoPan I am looking into using the RL training that uses the RPM setting. I was curious how the motors map to that of the RPM output? Does index 0 of the output array correspond to that of the prop0 in the URDF file?

Also I have seen things out there showing different configurations for motor layouts like found here:


How does this relate to what you have or is it like a stated above that index 0 = prop0, index 1 = prop1, ..., index N =propN?

Thank you!

JacopoPan commented 3 months ago

Hi @zcase the mapping between the action and PyBullet/the URDF is in line 702 of BaseAviary, index i is the i-th link the the URDF file


You are correct the different standards are use by different autopilots, e.g. in BetaAviary the remapping is


zcase commented 3 months ago

@JacopoPan This is great thank you. Do you by chance have any links to the documents that discuss what you did for the Crazyflie drone and the beta flight stuff?

JacopoPan commented 3 months ago

The Python binding for the Crazyflie firmware are discussed in this technical report https://arxiv.org/pdf/2308.16743.pdf For Betaflight, I simply used the SITL target https://github.com/betaflight/betaflight (changing the UDP ports it uses for multiple drones) and the position controller from https://github.com/tii-racing/drone-racing-dataset

zcase commented 1 month ago

@JacopoPan The links you provided have been helpful, but I think I may be confusing myself and am looking for a little guidance.

Based off of what you said, the action space is:

action = [prop0_link_action, prop1_link_action, prop2_link_action, prop3_link_action]

To make sure I'm on the right page here is what I have found regarding the crazyflie motors (left) and the mapping of the action space to it (on the right)

source (https://www.bitcraze.io/documentation/system/platform/cf2-components/)

For Betaflight motors, I found the following:

source (https://betaflight.com/docs/wiki/configurator/motors-tab)


source (https://www.bitcraze.io/documentation/tutorials/getting-started-with-crazyflie-2-x/)

Crazyflie: (URDF, Motors, Action Mapping URDF prop0_link (x=+, y=-) = M2 = rl action index 0 URDF prop1_link (x=-, y=-) = M3 = rl action index 1 URDF prop2_link (x=-, y=+) = M4 = rl action index 2 URDF prop3_link (x=+, y=+) = M1 = rl action index 3

QUESTION 1 Assuming _action = [prop0_link_action, prop1_link_action, prop2_link_action, prop3_linkaction] and based on the source code and URDF files, how does the following map out this way?:

Crazyflie + Betaflight: (BM = Betaflight Motor) (CM = Crazyflie motor) URDF prop0_link (x=+, y=-) = CM2 = BM1 = rl action index 2 URDF prop1_link (x=-, y=-) = CM3 = BM3 = rl action index 1 URDF prop2_link (x=-, y=+) = CM4 = BM4 = rl action index 3 URDF prop3_link (x=+, y=+) = CM1 = BM2 = rl action index 0

The following image is the shows the Betaflight motor layout with its actions in the YELLOW As while in Red 1-4 are the Crazyflie motors and A0-A3 are the Crazyflie actions on their own (without Betaflight)

I would have assumed you might only swap the actions for motors 1 and 2.

QUESTION 2 I'm not understanding how that mapping is working with the Crazyflie when using the Betaflight, which is making it hard to map my action space to an ardupilot X frame drone in the ENU reference frame. (ENU like the rest of the simulation env)

Ardupilot has this motor mapping

source (https://ardupilot.org/copter/docs/connect-escs-and-motors.html)

QUESTION 3 Does the ordering of the prop_links need to be same? For my ardupilot drone the prop_links are in a different order.

I really appreciate your help with this. It is probably something really silly that I'm missing. I just can't see it for some reason.

JacopoPan commented 1 month ago

Hi @zcase

I think there are at least 2 misunderstandings here

zcase commented 1 month ago


Ok that helps a bit with the URDF stuff but not sure I see the relation to the motor mapping and the actions.

You mentioned:

the mapping between the action and PyBullet/the URDF is in line 702 of BaseAviary, index i is the i-th link the the URDF file

Is this just for the Crazyflie base training?

Crazyflie: (URDF, Motors, Action Mapping) URDF prop0link (x=+, y=-)_ = M2 = rl action index 0 URDF prop1link (x=-, y=-)_ = M3 = rl action index 1 URDF prop2link (x=-, y=+)_ = M4 = rl action index 2 URDF prop3link (x=+, y=+)_ = M1 = rl action index 3

Based on your latest response, I have updated the Racer Mapping here:

Racer/Betaflight: (URDF, Motors, Action Mapping) URDF prop0link (x=+, y=+)_ = M2 = rl action index 2 URDF prop1link (x=-, y=+)_ = M4 = rl action index 1 URDF prop2link (x=-, y=-)_ = M3 = rl action index 3 URDF prop3link (x=+, y=-)_ = M1 = rl action index 0

Racer/Betaflight Ordered to match +- CrazyFlie Ordering above: (Starting at bottom right and going counterclockwise URDF prop3link (x=+, y=-)_ = M1 = rl action index 0 URDF prop2link (x=-, y=-)_ = M3 = rl action index 3 URDF prop1link (x=-, y=+)_ = M4 = rl action index 1 URDF prop0link (x=+, y=+)_ = M2 = rl action index 2

But for the racer urdf and action mapping, why isn't the action mapping just:

Instead we get:

Is this because like you mentioned:

the action space of BetaAviary is in CTBR (collective thrust and body rates),

And if we want the action space to represent the RPMs we need convert it to the global ENU space or to the body?