utiasDSL / gym-pybullet-drones

PyBullet Gymnasium environments for single and multi-agent reinforcement learning of quadcopter control
MIT License
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Request to Migrate from Master to Main Branch for Improved Stability #220

Open abdul-mannan-khan opened 1 week ago

abdul-mannan-khan commented 1 week ago

Hi @JacopoPan Thank you for your dedication to maintaining this project. I have noticed several issues with the master branch that seem to limit its functionality.

Could we consider transitioning the primary development and examples from the master to the main branch to enhance stability and clarity for new contributors? I believe this could help avoid the current issues and streamline future development.

I am eager to assist with this process to ensure a smooth transition. In particular, I am interested to produce the codes available in experiments folder which were developed for different cases in the master repository. For example, FlyThruGateAviary and I just need your kind guidance for the issues I face in this process. Thanks for considering this change.

Also, I have noticed that you have remove some of the Aviaries from the master branch from _single_agentrl folder such as TakeoffAviary and TuneAviary? I believe that we do not need them any more. Do we? Following this, I have updated singleagent.py for simple hover. I have attached it here singleagent_20240621.zip and its test file is attached here test_singleagent_20240621.zip The files are inside zipped folder because I cannot attach .py files here. Can you please comment on it?

Thank you for your kind response.

JacopoPan commented 1 week ago

Hello @abdul-mannan-khan main is the current default branch of the repo, master is the original branch of this work (published in the form of branch paper), updated up until last year.

Because of the major changes in at least 3 of the main dependencies of this work (rllib, gym, stable-baselines3), I switched to maintaining main instead of master roughly one year ago: if you have made improvements/bugfixes to master I'm happy to include them (even if I don't use that branch anymore), my suggestion is to (1) fork it, (2) apply your corrections, (3) open a PR from your fork to master of this repo. I will review and merge those changes as appropriate.

abdul-mannan-khan commented 1 week ago

Regarding FlyThruGate, I am getting following error

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/home/yf23868/brl_ws/gym-pybullet-drones_20240620/experiments/learning/singleagent_20240625a.py", line 209, in <module>
  File "/home/yf23868/brl_ws/gym-pybullet-drones_20240620/experiments/learning/singleagent_20240625a.py", line 137, in run
    eval_env = gym.make(env_name,
  File "/home/yf23868/anaconda3/envs/drones/lib/python3.10/site-packages/gymnasium/envs/registration.py", line 740, in make
    env_spec = _find_spec(id)
  File "/home/yf23868/anaconda3/envs/drones/lib/python3.10/site-packages/gymnasium/envs/registration.py", line 537, in _find_spec
    _check_version_exists(ns, name, version)
  File "/home/yf23868/anaconda3/envs/drones/lib/python3.10/site-packages/gymnasium/envs/registration.py", line 403, in _check_version_exists
    _check_name_exists(ns, name)
  File "/home/yf23868/anaconda3/envs/drones/lib/python3.10/site-packages/gymnasium/envs/registration.py", line 380, in _check_name_exists
    raise error.NameNotFound(
gymnasium.error.NameNotFound: Environment `flythrugate-aviary` doesn't exist. Did you mean: `ctrl-aviary`?

My flythrugate-aviary follows your same style as in the paper hover/flythrugate-aviary here. FlyThruGateAviary.zip and my flythrugate simulation file is singleagent_20240625a.zip.

Can you please help me run here?

Just to mention that __init__.py in gym_pybullet_drones/gym_pybullet_drones/envs has FlyThruGateAviary defined.

from gym_pybullet_drones.envs.BetaAviary import BetaAviary
from gym_pybullet_drones.envs.CtrlAviary import CtrlAviary
from gym_pybullet_drones.envs.HoverAviary import HoverAviary
from gym_pybullet_drones.envs.FlyThruGateAviary import FlyThruGateAviary
from gym_pybullet_drones.envs.MultiHoverAviary import MultiHoverAviary
from gym_pybullet_drones.envs.VelocityAviary import VelocityAviary

Thank you so much for your help.

abdul-mannan-khan commented 1 week ago

I figured this out. I updated gym_pybullet_drones->__init__.py and updated the following part


The complete code is as follows:

from gymnasium.envs.registration import register




