utiasDSL / safe-control-gym

PyBullet CartPole and Quadrotor environments—with CasADi symbolic a priori dynamics—for learning-based control and RL
MIT License
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Feature Request: migrate from gym to gymnasium #125

Open elliottower opened 1 year ago

elliottower commented 1 year ago

Hi, would it be possible for safe-control-gym to be upgraded from gym to gymnasium? Gymnasium is the maintained version of openai gym and is compatible with current RL training libraries (rllib and tianshou have already migrated, and stable-baselines3 will soon).

This repository is currently listed in the gymnasium third party environments but we are cleaning the list up to only include maintained gymnasium-compatible repositories.

For information about upgrading and compatibility, see migration guide and gym compatibility.

JacopoPan commented 1 year ago

Hello @elliottower yes, I will attend to this as soon as we have fully migrated utiasDSL/gym-pybullet-dones (which I foresee to be a bit simpler).

elliottower commented 1 year ago

Hello @elliottower yes, I will attend to this as soon as we have fully migrated utiasDSL/gym-pybullet-dones (which I foresee to be a bit simpler).

Sounds good, thanks! Just wanted to make sure you you were aware of the deprecation/new maintenance on gymnasium but my fault if you saw it twice cause of the other repo.

jkterry1 commented 1 year ago

@JacopoPan Hey, just wanted to follow up on this :)

JacopoPan commented 1 year ago

Hi Jordan, the main branch's dependencies have all been changed from gym to gymnasium. We still need to work on changing the .step() API to account for terminated and truncated returns (it should be easy on the environments' side but will require some due diligence on the controllers/experiments side, can we talk about this with the precommit hooks next week, @Federico-PizarroBejarano?)

Federico-PizarroBejarano commented 1 year ago

@JacopoPan yes happy to talk about this and do the update this week.