utiasDSL / safe-control-gym

PyBullet CartPole and Quadrotor environments—with CasADi symbolic a priori dynamics—for learning-based control and RL
MIT License
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Quadrotor: Craziflie motors corresponding to action dimension. #143

Open SapanaChaudhary opened 8 months ago

SapanaChaudhary commented 8 months ago


The base model for quadrotor is Bitcraze Craziflie 2.0 in the X configuration. I was wondering here https://github.com/utiasDSL/safe-control-gym/blob/83fae93172782f7c6e98063da0b2425d3f741f1b/safe_control_gym/envs/gym_pybullet_drones/quadrotor.py#L613 which action dimension corresponds to which motor from the image below?

Screenshot 2023-10-31 at 5 20 36 PM
Federico-PizarroBejarano commented 8 months ago

@JacopoPan @spencerteetaert any idea?

JacopoPan commented 8 months ago

Yes, the XY positions of the inputs/motors on the quadrotor are described in the URDF, e.g., see in the lines below that prop0 is at positive 2.8cm from the center of the quad, in the quad frame, then the others in CCW order.


(AFAIK, this is true across the repo, except for the beta-iros-competition and aer1217- branches that use the Bitcraze firmware convention because they are controlled via SITL firmware instead of direct motor input).

SapanaChaudhary commented 8 months ago

Thank you for the reference to the urdf file. Considering x and y axis as below:

Screenshot 2023-11-01 at 4 23 00 PM

If the action dimensions are in the same order as prop_links in the urdf file, then action dimensions look like the figure below, as opposed to the figure I had included earlier.

Screenshot 2023-11-01 at 3 32 46 PM

Is this correct?

JacopoPan commented 8 months ago

Yes, you can also just look at these lines mapping inputs and the forces/torque in Bullet https://github.com/utiasDSL/safe-control-gym/blob/83fae93172782f7c6e98063da0b2425d3f741f1b/safe_control_gym/envs/gym_pybullet_drones/base_aviary.py#L392-L406