utiasDSL / safe-control-gym

PyBullet CartPole and Quadrotor environments—with CasADi symbolic a priori dynamics—for learning-based control and RL
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Understanding BoundedConstraint class #62

Closed nicholasprayogo closed 2 years ago

nicholasprayogo commented 2 years ago

I'm not sure if this is a bug or i'm using the functionality wrong, so please let me know accordingly.

Here is how I'm trying to use BoundedConstraint, specified in my task_config yaml file.

  - constraint_form: bounded_constraint
    lower_bounds: [0, 0, 0] # should match state dim
    upper_bounds: [2.6, 0, 0] 
    constrained_variable: state
    active_dims: 0  # only position

When i use BoundedConstraint for constraining state (I have 3 states but want to constraint only 1), I realize I needed to supply lower_bounds & upper_bounds with shapes that are equal to the number of states (e.g. 3 if have 3 states), due to self.dim being defined as such: self.dim = env.state_dim which is used in self.constraint_filter = np.eye(self.dim)[active_dims] here, where it is supposed to only extract active_dims from these bounds for the target state to be constrained.

But when i do so, where lower_bounds matches shape of env.state_dim, the assertion here assert A.shape[1] == self.dim, '[ERROR] A has the wrong dimension!' fails.

This seem to fail because in Constraint , inside this code chunk, after constraint_filter is defined, self.dim is overwritten by len(active_dims), so it would have shape of active_dims which when I use is 1, while A already has shape (6, 3) due to self.dim being set to env.state_dim which was 3 earlier.

if self.constrained_variable == ConstrainedVariableType.STATE:
    self.dim = env.state_dim
elif self.constrained_variable == ConstrainedVariableType.INPUT:
    self.dim = env.action_dim
elif self.constrained_variable == ConstrainedVariableType.INPUT_AND_STATE:
    self.dim = env.state_dim + env.action_dim
    raise NotImplementedError('[ERROR] invalid constrained_variable (use STATE, INPUT or INPUT_AND_STATE).')
# Save the strictness attribute
self.strict = strict
# Only want to select specific dimensions, implemented via a filter matrix.
if active_dims is not None:
    if isinstance(active_dims, int):
        active_dims = [active_dims]
    assert isinstance(active_dims, (list, np.ndarray)), '[ERROR] active_dims is not a list/array.'
    assert (len(active_dims) <= self.dim), '[ERROR] more active_dim than constrainable self.dim'
    assert all(isinstance(n, int) for n in active_dims), '[ERROR] non-integer active_dim.'
    assert all((n < self.dim) for n in active_dims), '[ERROR] active_dim not stricly smaller than self.dim.'
    assert (len(active_dims) == len(set(active_dims))), '[ERROR] duplicates in active_dim'
    self.constraint_filter = np.eye(self.dim)[active_dims]
    self.dim = len(active_dims)

Could you please check if this was the issue?

Another attempt I took was to set lower_bounds to have shape same as active_dims, e.g. 1 (only want to constraint 1 state). It doesn't work, because matmul would fail here self.sym_func = lambda x: self.A @ self.constraint_filter @ x - self.b for LinearConstraint. Full error: ValueError: matmul: Input operand 1 has a mismatch in its core dimension 0, with gufunc signature (n?,k),(k,m?)->(n?,m?) (size 1 is different from 3)


What is the right shape for lower_bounds and upper_bounds?

Would love to know if this is indeed a bug or if I'm using it wrong. I'll also keep trying again in case maybe I missed anything.

Thank you!

@adamhall @JacopoPan @Justin-Yuan

adamhall commented 2 years ago

Hi Nicholas,

Thanks for the comment. You actually have to set lower_bounds and upper_bounds to have the same dimension as active_dims. For example, the following works as expected for me

    - constraint_form: bounded_constraint
      lower_bounds: [ 0 ] # should match state dim
      upper_bounds: [ 2.6 ]
      constrained_variable: state
      active_dims: 0  # only position

as self.dim = len(active_dims) is set here. Can you try this and see if it works? If not, can you post a minimal working example of your bug so I can recreate it? An alternative option is to set the dimensions you do not want to constraint to large values

    - constraint_form: bounded_constraint
      lower_bounds: [ 0, -100, -100 ]
      upper_bounds: [ 2.6, 100, 100]
      constrained_variable: state

On another note, why do you only have 3 states? cartpole has 4, and quadrotor has either 2, 6, or 12, depending on which quad you run.

JacopoPan commented 2 years ago


If missing, can you then create a patch/PR with the dimension check on lower_bounds, upper_bounds, active_dims raising and exception and error message?

It could also be something to mention in the docstrings of BoundedConstraint's constructor (and any other similar class) https://github.com/utiasDSL/safe-control-gym/blob/c031b74ea3b05d4c91ca13d4f2fd9cb410d23a70/safe_control_gym/envs/constraints.py#L285-L292

(I think Nicholas has a different state vector length because wants to work on creating a new environment)

adamhall commented 2 years ago

@JacopoPan Yes for sure, but I just want to make sure this is actually the issue first, so I'll wait until Nicholas gets it working.

nicholasprayogo commented 2 years ago

Hi @adamhall

Thanks a lot for the detailed response and explanation, as well as helping me check if it is working on your end.

Yes indeed I actually tried that out as well, which as I mentioned in the above post, if I set lower_bounds to have same dimension as active_dims, I get the following error:

ValueError: matmul: Input operand 1 has a mismatch in its core dimension 0, with gufunc signature (n?,k),(k,m?)->(n?,m?) (size 1 is different from 3)

However, I did a sanity check with the following code and indeed it works.

lower_bounds =np.array( [0.2])
upper_bounds = np.array([5])

dim = lower_bounds.shape[0]

A = np.vstack((-np.eye(dim), np.eye(dim)))
b = np.hstack((-lower_bounds, upper_bounds))

active_dims = [0]

x = np.array([0,0,0]) 

dim_state = x.shape[0]
constraint_filter = np.eye(dim_state)[active_dims]

array([-3.,  3.])

After further debugging, I realized since I've been experimenting with classical control for my own environment, I haven't been paying attention to my _set_observation_space() function, which I was mainly using when testing RL methods.

I just found out env.state_dim is set to depend on observation_space (and not my env.state) https://github.com/utiasDSL/safe-control-gym/blob/d7a59cc71af589a9203effbbc11391592c7f6559/safe_control_gym/envs/benchmark_env.py#L182-L187

so when I forgot to update my observation_space accordingly, the env.state_dim becomes incorrect.

I fixed the observation_space and seems like now I can see the constraints returned properly.

Thank you so much for your clarification.

It's a silly mistake for me forgetting to maintain my observation_space as I experiment with different state dimensions 😄 but perhaps this realization might come in handy for other users implementing their own environments (that's based on BenchmarkEnv) and using BoundedConstraints, ensuring lower_bounds should have same shape as active_dims.

JacopoPan commented 2 years ago

can you then create a patch/PR with the dimension check on lower_bounds, upper_bounds, active_dims raising and exception and error message?

@adamhall PR patch to main and/or dev-experiment-class?

adamhall commented 2 years ago

Some warnings and checks for the dimension of the bounds and the active_dims added as part of PR #88.