utiasSTARS / pykitti

Python tools for working with KITTI data.
MIT License
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Add demo for coordinate system transformations #52

Closed ashawkey closed 5 years ago

ashawkey commented 5 years ago

Add a demo that mainly summarizes those issues about how to project velodyne data to image and world coordinate.

Limzui commented 4 years ago

Hi, thank you very much for providing this useful coordinate system transformation code.

I noticed that you directly used data.calib.T_velo_imu in the matrix multiplications to get from velodyne -> IMU coordinate system in line 117. However, from my understanding, T_velo_imu is the transformation matrix to get from IMU -> Velodyne coordinate system. As with all other transformation matrices, the general format is T_target_source.

I believe that is also the reason why #17 is also brought up.

Do correct me if my understanding is wrong!