utkarsh-1602 / ecommerce-admin

This repository provides a comprehensive solution for managing billboards, categories, and products, allowing you to create a customized online shopping experience similar to Shopify. With intuitive features, you can effortlessly design and organize your store as well.
MIT License
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added: modal component, shadcn dialog, zustand state management, hooks: use-store-modal, modal-provider #4

Closed utkarsh-1602 closed 11 months ago

utkarsh-1602 commented 11 months ago

hooks/use-store-modal.tsx: Zustand is a state management library for React that provides a simple and efficient way to manage and share state across your application. It is often used when you need a lightweight state management solution that doesn't require a lot of boilerplate code. In the code you provided, Zustand is used to create a store called UseStoreModal. This store manages the state related to a modal component, including whether the modal is open or closed and functions to open and close the modal.

components/ui/modal.tsx : The purpose of this component is to provide a reusable and customizable modal dialog for your application. You can control whether it is open or closed by passing the isOpen prop, and you can specify the title, description, and content that should appear inside the modal. The onClose function allows you to define what should happen when the modal is closed, such as updating state or performing other actions in your application.

providers/modal-provider.tsx: The code defines a React component called ModalProvider. Its main purpose appears to be ensuring that some content is only rendered on the client side and not during server-side rendering (SSR) in a Next.js application. It checks whether isMounted is still false. If it's false, the component returns null`. This effectively prevents the component from rendering any content during server-side rendering (SSR). It will only render when running on the client side.

app/(root)/page.tsx: this code defines a SetupPage component that displays a setup page with an initially open modal. The modal is controlled by the isModalOpen state variable and can be closed by clicking a close button or through any other means that sets isModalOpen to false.