utkarshgupta27 / hyperloop

Chicago Hyperloop electronics & controlling
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i2cdetect failure #2

Open utkarshgupta27 opened 4 years ago

utkarshgupta27 commented 4 years ago

The i2cdetect should be scan all of device connect to the bus by send command one by one to the bus, there's no need to add it to the device tree for the scanning. You may need to probe confirm the device have ack.

utkarshgupta27 commented 4 years ago

GND, 27 (SDA), 28 (SDL) to Arduino Nano GND, A4 (SDA), A5 (SCL) ..

..and ran i2cdetect -y -r 0: follow below::: https://devtalk.nvidia.com/default/topic/1070739/jetson-nano/questions-on-jetson-nano-arduino-i2c-communication/post/5426750/#5426750

utkarshgupta27 commented 4 years ago

do https://docs.nvidia.com/jetson/l4t/index.html#page/Tegra%2520Linux%2520Driver%2520Package%2520Development%2520Guide%2Fhw_setup_jetson_io.html

i2cdump 7 0x50

utkarshgupta27 commented 4 years ago


utkarshgupta27 commented 4 years ago

i2cdetect -y -r 0x40 0x00

utkarshgupta27 commented 4 years ago

"dmesg | grep i2c"

utkarshgupta27 commented 4 years ago

If i2cdetect doesn't find it, then one of the following is true:

Depending on which of those are the problem, you will need to do different things to fix them.

I'd recommend hooking up a logic analyzer to the I2C bus and ground when doing the i2cdetect, to make sure you actually see the clock/data wiggle correctly. Once you can make sure that happens, you can start debugging the actual communications protocol.

utkarshgupta27 commented 4 years ago
