utkarshkukreti / markup.rs

A blazing fast, type-safe template engine for Rust.
Apache License 2.0
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Add local images to web #16

Closed SlowEnter closed 2 years ago

SlowEnter commented 2 years ago

I'm trying to add images to the web loaded directly from the compiled rust code, my question is if this is possible...

Current not working goes like this:

{markup::raw("<img id=\"logo\" src=\"images/my-logo.png\">")}

This works when I replace whats in src with an already uploaded picture on a web (hyperlink) but I would like to have an images dir that I can use.

Rust struct:

my-web ├── src/ │ ├── images/ │ │ ├── my-logo.png │ ├── index.rs

So my question would be if its possible to load an image in markup.rs from a local folder? If so, how would this be done?

utkarshkukreti commented 2 years ago

Hi @SlowEnter,

markup.rs only generates the markup (HTML or XML). Loading a file from disk depends entirely on how you're serving this page to the browser. Are you using a web server like actix-web or rocket? With actix-web for example, you'll need to mount the "images" directory to a path like /images (ref) and then do src="/images/my-logo.png".

Also, your current code is equivalent to the following (markup::raw is meant for injecting arbitrary code without any html escaping):

img#logo[src = "images/my-logo.png"];

(Note the ; at the end instead of {} as <img> is a self-closing tag in HTML.)

SlowEnter commented 2 years ago

Hi @utkarshkukreti,

thanks for the swift response! I see what you mean and will use another crate as you said to mount the "images" dir.