utlis / llls_depp-thesis_template

The official thesis template files for the following courses in the University of Tokyo: Division of Lifelong Learning Infrastructure Management, Graduate School of Education/Division of Educational Practices and Policies, Faculty of Education
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enable stable multilingual typesetting by XeTeX #8

Open shuntaroy opened 7 years ago

shuntaroy commented 7 years ago

At the moment, XeTeX seems to be more stable and reliable for multilingual typesetting. (When the version of LuaTeX bumps 1.0, this situation would change...)

here is a sample preamble code of CJK simultaneous typesetting (not tested yet)

\setmainfont{Gentium Plus}% 欧文フォントを設定

\setjafamilyfont{chinesefam}{AR PL SungtiL GB} % 中国語フォント
% \chinese 命令: 中国語用の設定に切り替える。(局所的に使うべき)
% chinesepar 環境: 中国語用の段落の設定
% \chinese 設定に段落下げ量の変更(2zw)を含める
  {\par \chinese \setlength{\parindent}{2\jsZw}}{\par}
shuntaroy commented 7 years ago

cf) TeXLive2016~で使える全エンジン共用プリアンブル

shuntaroy commented 7 years ago

Use Japanese Chinese and Korean simultaneously in uplatex https://texwiki.texjp.org/?pTeX%E3%81%A8%E5%A4%9A%E8%A8%80%E8%AA%9E%E5%87%A6%E7%90%86#cjkinqd

shuntaroy commented 7 years ago

The same with source han serif/sans https://gist.github.com/zr-tex8r/75969dda8ecb209886e4034272fe8d35

shuntaroy commented 7 years ago

this solution seems the most easiest.
