utmapp / UTM

Virtual machines for iOS and macOS
Apache License 2.0
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URL VM start (utm://start?) does not work on 4.5.2 #6323

Closed Mister-A closed 4 weeks ago

Mister-A commented 4 weeks ago

remote control utm://start does not work on 4.5.2


Using the URL remote control to run a named VM does not work in this version.

Triggering: utm://start?name=VMNameHere

Opens the UTM app but does not start the named VM

Downgrading back to 4.4.4 restores this functionality with no other changes.

osy commented 4 weeks ago

Did you read the release notes? The URI control interface was removed for security reasons and you are recommended to use Apple Script or CLI

Mister-A commented 4 weeks ago

Apologies, thanks for your time pointing me in the right direction.