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setup logging for chat #8

Closed dsernst closed 10 years ago

dsernst commented 10 years ago

Previously we have been using Slack. But the problem with this is it requires inviting participants one-by-one.

What seems more appealing is to instead use IRC on freenode, and offer easy access to a web-based chat client like http://building.gittip.com/appendices/chat

dsernst commented 10 years ago

One concern is about maintaining a log. Would love to use botbot.me like #reddit-dev, #gittip, etc, but they have to manually add us and we are currently on a waitlist.

Worst case scenario is there might not be a log for a bit. Ouch, but not the end of the world: actionable issues and to-dos that we want to remember can live here.

iangilman commented 10 years ago

A sort of middle ground would be to use HipChat with its guest access:


Regulars can get accounts, but anyone can pop in without one.

dsernst commented 10 years ago

Didn't know HipChat had guest access, wish i had before setting up the Slack! alas. thanks for pointing out.

http://webchat.freenode.net/?channels=letsfix is also easy enough for webchat, and that channel is now registered on ChanServ. checking off the first 2 todo's. Still waiting to hear back from @BotBotMe if we can join their logging. HipChat if it becomes a problem :smile:

dsernst commented 10 years ago

Good news, logging now configured! https://botbot.me/irc.freenode.net/letsfix :smile: