utrack / clay

Proto-first minimal server platform for gRPС+REST+Swagger APIs
MIT License
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Arrays of objects are not allowed in http url query parameters #108

Open dergus opened 2 years ago

dergus commented 2 years ago

For example an RPC like this

service MapService {
  rpc Search(SearchRequest) returns (SearchResponse) {
    option (google.api.http) = {
      get: "/v1/search"

message SearchRequest{
  repeated Coordinate polygon = 1;

message Coordinate {
  float lat = 1;
  float lon = 2;

is expected to be callable using http protocol in the following manner: https://example.com/v1/search?polygon[0][lat]=55.11&polygon[0][lon]=55.22 but at the moment fields with repeated custom messages are just ignored from generated http server and swagger spec.