utterance / utterances

:crystal_ball: A lightweight comments widget built on GitHub issues
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close comments #242

Closed otech-nl closed 4 years ago

otech-nl commented 4 years ago

How can I close comments for a page?

When comments are closed, I would like to see existing comments, but block new ones.

jdanyow commented 4 years ago

Lock the issue to disable new comments

otech-nl commented 4 years ago

Thank you! Hadn't thought of that. Does the utterance.es widget reflect that the issue is closed?

jdanyow commented 4 years ago

It does not indicate whether the associated issue is open/closed

otech-nl commented 4 years ago

I would like to help to add this feature.

Proposed functionality:

  1. When an issue is not locked, comments work as before.
  2. When an issue is locked, we show existing comments, but hide the possibility to add one.

I had a look at the code, and it seems this should already work:

What am I missing here?

otech-nl commented 4 years ago

Thanks. Works like a charm.

It may have worked before too, because I found out "closing" an issue is not the same as "locking" it. The issue must be locked to close utterance's comments.

jdanyow commented 4 years ago

Nice- I was trying to match GitHubs behavior where closed issues could still be commented on. Thanks for raising the issue with reactions