utterance / utterances

:crystal_ball: A lightweight comments widget built on GitHub issues
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Issue link #276

Open IeuanWalker opened 4 years ago

IeuanWalker commented 4 years ago

Hi is there a way to get the link to the issue that Utterances is posting to. I'd like to like to the issue else where on the page - image

jdanyow commented 4 years ago

@IeuanWalker utterances does not provide a method for retrieving the issue url or number. Utterances won't create the issue until the first user comments.

IeuanWalker commented 4 years ago

@jdanyow Mmm ok, so the best way for me to handle this, is to create the issue manually and store the issue number with the blog post then pass the issue number into the Utterances script when the page loads