utterance / utterances

:crystal_ball: A lightweight comments widget built on GitHub issues
MIT License
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Multiple issues for same page (threads) #39

Open abernix opened 5 years ago

abernix commented 5 years ago

I really love the GitHub-powered feedback integration on docs.microsoft.com which allows multiple issues (each with their own comments) to be attached to a single content page, rather than just individual comments on a single issue.

This sort of organization works particularly well for documentation sites since issues can be addressed and then removed from the default view and allowing those responsible for the documentation to ensure they've responded to each request! It's even more valuable when the content itself lives on GitHub since issues that resolve the problems can be linked directly to the commits which resolve them!

It seems that Utterances is the open-source version of the Microsoft docs commenting implementation, but currently lacks the additional dimension (unless I'm missing something).

I'm curious if this is on the roadmap for utterances!

nschonni commented 5 years ago

Just cross referencing this related issue https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/feedback/issues/396

jdanyow commented 5 years ago

@abernix it wasn't on the roadmap for utterances.... I guess it should be. You're the second person to mention this! I believe @nschonni was the first. Utterances was developed to be a blog post commenting widget. I didn't anticipate folks would want the documentation issue tracking mode that we developed for Microsoft docs.

nschonni commented 5 years ago

"If you build it, they will come"

scottdorman commented 5 years ago

@jdanyow The mode used on Microsoft Docs doesn't necessarily work well for a blog commenting system, but it does work really well if we're building an equivalent system to Docs for our own projects. For example, a Docs style (based?) site for documentation of an open source library/framework. A perfect example that comes to mind would be the documentation for Json.NET being rewritten in a style like Docs and being able to provide the same type of GitHub issues integration.

That being said, I don't see why that mode wouldn't also be useful for a blog as well. It just depends on what the blog author is aiming for when it comes to being able to leave comments.

carlo-quinonez commented 4 years ago

Any update on releasing the documentation issue tracking used on the Microsoft Docs sites? I'd like to do the same for our documentation.

adamist521 commented 4 years ago

Would be really awesome to have it too here.