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I can leave a comment as another person on my blog #580

Closed emgoto closed 2 years ago

emgoto commented 2 years ago

After a person comments on my site, I can then comment using their account on any post on my site. e.g. this is not my account, but I can leave a comment with it:

Screen Shot 2022-01-02 at 4 19 02 pm

I'm not sure how this is possible.

vazaha-nl commented 2 years ago

Same issue here... this is not good. I am logged in as myself but on my page https://vazaha.blog/en/9/php-frankenstein-arrays it looks like I am logged in as the commenter and my own comment (2nd one) is posted under his account.

Edit: I just deleted the comment with wrong account

emgoto commented 2 years ago

I'm not sure what's the best way to reach out to the owner - @jdanyow?

jdanyow commented 2 years ago

Hey folks- I saw this thread. I cannot reproduce the issue. Utterances doesn't store any credentials/tokens server side so I can't think of how it would be possible for you to sign in as another user. Have you been able to post a comment as another user? If so, can you link me to the comment on github?

Any errors in the console?

emgoto commented 2 years ago

^ Here's an example of me using someone else's account (sorry gjurd!)

I can't see any console errors.

gjurd isn't the most recent person to comment on my site (someone else did 24 hours ago), but he did comment about 2 weeks ago, probably the second most recent person to do so 🤔

I can only do it on my regular browser (Firefox) so I'm assuming it's somehow related to either:

laymonage commented 2 years ago

Here's my thoughts on this:

This part of the code,


Uses location.search, which might still contain the utterances session param. Even though you've removed it and called history.replaceState before: https://github.com/utterance/utterances/blob/607b8ace059b8a726dea8a20541b1936a9c9ad88/src/client.ts#L8-L16

The iframe was still created with location.search as part of its url query param, which is used by utterances to link to the website in the issue starter post. So, if you look at @emgoto's issues, issues made by @utterances-bot has the ?utterances= query param in the link to the website, which is the session ID. If you click the link, you'll use the session of the user who triggered the issue creation.

You can probably fix this by making sure the utterances query param is removed before setting the value for attrs.url.

I came across a similar issue in https://github.com/giscus/giscus-component/issues/8.

jdanyow commented 2 years ago

fixed, all tokens revoked, thanks for reporting!