utterance / utterances

:crystal_ball: A lightweight comments widget built on GitHub issues
MIT License
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redirect_uri 404 #587

Closed kfxiaoxia closed 2 years ago

kfxiaoxia commented 2 years ago

Thank you so much for building such a great product.I want to use in my website. But I have some problems can you help me?

I am using your product locally and everything works fine, but when I publish the jekyll project to gitpage, it doesn't work. When I click Sign in with GitHub, I can authenticate but the callback address is wrong. The /:categories/:year/:month/:day/:title.html is duplicated in the callback address

I tried to read your source code and found that you are using page.url

I'm trying to get the page.url to show up on the gitpage, The result is relative address /:categories/:year/:month/:day/:title.html and no duplicates.

It confused me a little that.

This is my repo address:https://github.com/kfxiaoxia/kfxiaoxia.github.io

Thank you.

kfxiaoxia commented 2 years ago

When I updated the _config.yml, it worked perfectly

kfxiaoxia commented 2 years ago

Configuring Jekyll in your GitHub Pages site