utterance / utterances

:crystal_ball: A lightweight comments widget built on GitHub issues
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Utterances doesn't work on GitHub Pages #610

Closed SimonYoungCN closed 1 year ago

SimonYoungCN commented 1 year ago

I created my own blog by using Hugo and GitHub Pages yesterday, and it works well. Then I tried to add utterances as the comment system to my blog. But here came the problem: When in preview mode(https://localhost:1313), I can use the utterances to comment and it worked pretty well. pic However, in the normal mode (after I send the update to GitHub Pages to reload my blog and check it via url) I could't even sign in with GitHub and when I clicked the sign in button, the page turned to nothing but this: pic2 It says the pages can not be found and my site is not safe (not in the first picture). I'm pretty sure that it's not the Hugo's fault. Then I searched the web and the utterances' issues but could not find the solution either. So I hope someone could help me to solve this tricky problem. Thanks! Copmuter System: Windows 10 Professional 20H2 and all the apps are the latest.

Spphire commented 1 year ago

how did u fix it?

SimonYoungCN commented 1 year ago

how did u fix it?

You can see the solution from my blog.

In the config.toml at the "baseURL" line you should only type https://[YOUR_GITHUB_ID].github.io/ without the www. prefix.

And at the utterances' repo line you should only type the comment repository's name without your GitHub username.
