uttesh / ngletteravatar

directive for the letter avatar for the given string like gmail, first letter of the given data will be the avatar .
MIT License
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couldn't change font family #26

Open sivaramsi opened 8 years ago

sivaramsi commented 8 years ago

Am using rooney sans font from the adobe typekit ,when i tried to give that in the fontFamily attribute it doesn't took it.

uttesh commented 8 years ago

@sivaramsi its working fine with rooney sans family, code pen http://codepen.io/uttesh/pen/begwwX

sivaramsi commented 8 years ago

thats not rooney-sans i think its taking times new roman(default)

uttesh commented 8 years ago

@sivaramsi i have set the fontfamily in directive <ng-letter-avatar data="a" alphabetcolors="customColors" fontFamily="rooney-sans"></ng-letter-avatar>

which is used by svg generation in directive. i guess your checking top level div tag where ng-* tag is there.