uttesh / pdfngreport

This is the pdf report plugin library written for testng/selenium frameworks, this listener will generate the pdf report on testcases execution, its very simple to configure no need to write any code.
30 stars 26 forks source link

Pie chart is not visible on my report #20

Closed karthikeyanameex closed 8 years ago

karthikeyanameex commented 8 years ago

Hi uttesh,

I have added the pdfreport.pie.chart.type=explode in my pdfng properties file but still i cannot see the pie chart can someone please tell me what is missing.I also added all maven dependencies in POM.xml.Please help me resolve this issue.

Thank you.

uttesh commented 8 years ago

@karthikeyanameex could please provide me more details, is the sample code is working fine? or send me your pdfngreport.properties and testng.xml and error messages ....which will help me to debug the issue your facing.


karthikeyanameex commented 8 years ago

Hi uttesh,

I run sample code, but I am not able to see chart in that sample report. Kindly find the below mentioned pdfngreport.properties and testng.xml of mine.



pdfreport.title.text=Sample Automated Test Report pdfreport.title.align=left

report file name


application build version

pdfreport.app.build.version=Build v1.0

Build System Details manual/code/hide code is default, use hide for not to display

enable below only for manual setting by setting code mode it will automatically populate the values in report

manual only for the mobile/tab env related details


set above manual and enable below properties

pdfreport.additional.line1=OS : testOS (64 bit)

pdfreport.additional.line2=SYSTEM : test@testingbox

pdfreport.additional.line3=Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet

TimeColumn Date Format

"yyyy.MM.dd G 'at' HH:mm:ss z" | 2001.07.04 AD at 12:08:56 PDT

"EEE, MMM d, ''yy" | Wed, Jul 4, '01

"h:mm a" | 12:08 PM

"hh 'o''clock' a, zzzz" | 12 o'clock PM, Pacific Daylight Time

"K:mm a, z" | 0:08 PM, PDT

"yyyyy.MMMMM.dd GGG hh:mm aaa" | 02001.July.04 AD 12:08 PM

"EEE, d MMM yyyy HH:mm:ss Z" | Wed, 4 Jul 2001 12:08:56 -0700

"yyMMddHHmmssZ" | 010704120856-0700

"yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss.SSS'Z'" | 2001-07-04T12:08:56.235-0700

"yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss.SSSXXX" | 2001-07-04T12:08:56.235-07:00

"YYYY-'W'ww-u" | 2001-W27-3

pdfngreport.time.column.format=MMMM dd YYYY hh:MM:sss


pdfreport.logo=show pdfreport.report.logo.file=C:/Karthikeyan/Automation Projects/Pilot Project/GA/pdfreport/ameexlogo.jpg pdfreport.report.logo.align=right

chat related



pdf report output location


tables/page setting : show/hide


for the better view or use of the space please use only 4 column. showing all columns will make the view cluttered

pdfreport.table.column.time=show pdfreport.table.column.test=show pdfreport.table.column.case=show pdfreport.table.column.timetaken=show pdfreport.table.column.description=show

Below setting only for selenium user for selenium failed screen shot link show related

pdfreport.show.selenium.screenshot.link=show pdfreport.selenium.failed.test.screenshot.outputdir=./FailCaseScreenshot

error screen shot/image name standards.

image type : png

image name : className + "_" + methodName

Custom color setting Coming soon on 3.0.0 version


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <!DOCTYPE suite SYSTEM "http://testng.org/testng-1.0.dtd"> suite name="Suite"

parameter name="pdfngreport-properties" value="./pdfngreport.properties"

listener class-name="com.uttesh.pdfngreport.PDFReportListener" listeners test name="Test" classes class name="testcases.TC001" classes test suite

Kindly, help me on this problem. Thank you Uttesh.

uttesh commented 8 years ago

@karthikeyanameex provide the proper output location


send me the build console output...are u using ant or maven ? send me the console out of the build.


karthikeyanameex commented 8 years ago

Report Location : ./pdfreportFile Name : Sample_automated_pdf_report.pdf pdf report file path :C:\Karthikeyan\Automation Projects\Live Projects\GA.\pdfreport\Sample_automated_pdf_report.pdf

this is my console output

karthikeyanameex commented 8 years ago

Hi uttesh,

After giving full path now chart is appear. Thank you for your time and wonderful support. once again thank you, thank you so much

uttesh commented 8 years ago

@karthikeyanameex thanks for using the library, Any queries and enhancement feel free add on git and add star if this library is useful to requirement.