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Typos #75

Closed andreas-lindholm closed 2 years ago

andreas-lindholm commented 2 years ago


"Most methods for supervised machine learning builds on the intuition"

Should be "Most methods (...) BUILD"


"In Figure fig:ex:knn2 the decision boundaries"

I suppose "fig:ex:knn2" has some syntax error which is preventing from replacing by the correct index


"However, if we take π‘˜ to be too large, then the averaging effect with wash out all interesting patterns in the data as well."

Should be WILL instead of WITH


"Since selecting π‘˜ either too big or too small will lead to a meaningless classifiers"

Should be either a classifier or just classifiers without a


"In Example 2.6 we illustrate how to construct a classification tree using recursive binary splitting and with the entropy as the slitting criterion."

Should be sPlitting criterion, not slitting


"Despite its relative simplicity, it is a surprisingly useful and is an important stepping stone for more advanced methods"

'it is a surprisingly useful and is an important (...)' reads strange. Maybe either 'it is a surprisingly useful and important' or 'it is surprisingly useful and an important'


β€œthe value of 𝜽 for which the cost function attains it minimum”

should be ITS minimum


"The misclassification rate is, however, not always the most important aspect of classifier."

Should be of a classifier or of classifiers.


"The decision boundary for binary classification can be computed by solving the equation (...)"

The equation is only valid for r = 0.5. Maybe either make it more explicit or change it to have two steps, one equaling g(x) to r, and other making r = 1/2 and continuing.


"To address this issue we will extend our notion of parametric models to encompass various probability distribution"

Should be distributions, plural.


"that is the likelihood" generally has a comma after that is


"Many classifiers contains a threshold π‘Ÿ (3.36)."

Should be contain


"that is a parametric family of functions defining the model"

I believe it's that is, (with a comma)


"Second, we can choose the loss function with the aim of making the optimization problem (5.4) is easier to solve,"

Should remove IS


"While cross entropy is commonly used in practice, but there are also other loss functions for binary classification that are useful."

Should remove BUT


"The idea is then the construct a parametric model"

Should be TO construct


"For instance, by using a held-out validation dataset (see Chapter 4)"

Should it really be "held"-out?


"In Section 5.1 we introduced concept of nonlinear parametric functions"

Should be THE concept


"We choose to use this notation instead of the one used in (3.2) since we will later handle the weights sightly differently"

Even though SIGHTLY exists, I believe it should be SLIGHTLY


"During training the neural network model are used to compute"

Should be IS used


"The vectorized equations in (6.14) is also how the model"

Should be ARE also


"In this text we will focus on images, where its pixels resides on a 2D grid."

Should be its pixels (plural) RESIDE


"pooling layers can make the model more invariant to small translations of the input mkeaning if we translate"

Should be MEANING instead of MKEANING


"In dropout most of the π‘ˆ2 sub-networks are not trained at all (since they have not been sampled), and those how have been trained"

and those WHICH have been trained?


Equation 8.6 after text "The first step is to realize that the prediction (...) can be rewritten as"

Missing open bracket at beginning of term after second "="


"we can let 𝑑 be arbitrary big"

Should be "arbitrarily"


"the kernel also plays a somewhat more subtle role in methods that builds on the representer theorem"

Should be "methods that BUILD"


"The other positive semidefinite kernels below, on the other hand, all corresponds to infinite-dimensional feature vectors"

Should be "all CORRESPOND"


"The latter us used when we apply it yo the music classification"

US and YO seem wrong