Open wuying1984 opened 2 years ago
Hi Ying,
rtcr Convert -i r.dat | awk -F"\t" 'NR>1{c+=$15}END{print c}'
If you mean in how many input sequences a V or J were identified, then you can use the following command:
zcat alignments.sam.gz | awk -F"\t" '$3~/TR[AB]V/{v+=1}$3~/TR[AB]J/{j+=1}END{print "v count = " v, "\nj count = " j}'
Best wishes, Bram
Hi Bram,
I am using RTCR to identify the TCR repertoire from amplicon sequencing. I have some more question abouts the output result.
1) how can get the mapping rate for the fastq reads (MiSeq, R1: 301bp, R2: 266bp) I use in the analysis.
2) in the result.tsv file, what is the sequence, is it consensus for a group of clonotype? Can I say one sequence is a clolonotype?
Thank you very much! Best, Ying