uuid6 / prototypes

Draft Prototypes and Tests for UUIDv6 and beyond
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Call for draft-ietf-uuidrev-rfc4122bis-03 prototypes #42

Closed kyzer-davis closed 1 year ago

kyzer-davis commented 1 year ago

Hello again!

It has been a minute since I sent one of these! I just posted draft draft-ietf-uuidrev-rfc4122bis-03 to the IETF.

What's changed since draft-peabody-dispatch-new-uuid-format-04?

Items that need some feedback/testing/prototype which are "new" in the IETF drafts.

Otherwise v6, v7, v8 should be more or less the same from a technical perspective but by all means please check compatibility and open a PR to update your library. If possible also link the version of the draft you support in your Repos README (this helps future me check these manually.)

Full Docs

Name:       draft-ietf-uuidrev-rfc4122bis
Revision:   03
Title:      Universally Unique IDentifiers (UUID)
Document date:  2023-04-12
Group:      uuidrev
Pages:      48
URL:            https://www.ietf.org/archive/id/draft-ietf-uuidrev-rfc4122bis-03.txt
Status:         https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/draft-ietf-uuidrev-rfc4122bis/
Html:           https://www.ietf.org/archive/id/draft-ietf-uuidrev-rfc4122bis-03.html
Htmlized:       https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/html/draft-ietf-uuidrev-rfc4122bis
Diff:           https://author-tools.ietf.org/iddiff?url2=draft-ietf-uuidrev-rfc4122bis-03

If there is any feedback found during review or while updating the prototype implementation; please contribute to:

Thanks All!

CC: @jdknezek, @Daegalus, @chrylis, @mikemix, @kurttheviking, @sprql, @kjmph, @MatrixAI, @kripod, @karwa, @mareek, @oittaa, @jakwings, @fabiolimace, @LiosK, @theckman @kjmph @iology @BaerMitUmlaut @DianaNites @jakwings @medo64 @nicolas-grekas @mlhamel

tgross35 commented 1 year ago

Is there anywhere to find an outline for what the upcoming steps are, or a rough estimate of when the draft is expected to be accepted? It seems like it is getting close, but I'm not familiar with what makes the draft->official transition actually happen.

kyzer-davis commented 1 year ago

@tgross35, great question! For all updates I would suggest subscribing to the mailer in the post.

As for 2023 roadmap:

Note the schedule was to have this done by March for submit to IESG but it took longer to iron out the RFC4122 issues, fixes, new text and other items than I expected.

tgross35 commented 1 year ago

Thank you for the details! I have been keeping up with the mailer, but I wasn't sure what point of the process it represented. Looking forward to this becoming official, thanks for all the work you've done 👍

kyzer-davis commented 1 year ago

interim-2023-uuidrev-03 2023-05-10 Update:

draft-ietf-uuidrev-rfc4122bis-03 has entered Working Group Last Call! Please comment on the tracker or email thread before June 9th to request any changes.

The Mailer: uuidrev@ietf.org (signup required to post) IETF Github: https://github.com/ietf-wg-uuidrev/rfc4122bis/issues