uuid6 / uuid6-ietf-draft

Next Generation UUID Formats
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Draft 05: MUST veribage in Reliability of 6.1 #121

Closed kyzer-davis closed 1 year ago

kyzer-davis commented 1 year ago

Change Proposal Template

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Draft Number, Full Section, Name

Draft 05, Section 6.1.  Timestamp Granularity

Current Text:

      Implementations SHOULD use the current timestamp from a reliable
      source to provide values that are time-ordered and continually
      increasing.  Care SHOULD be taken to ensure that timestamp changes
      from the environment or operating system are handled in a way that
      is consistent with implementation requirements.  For example, if
      it is possible for the system clock to move backward due to either
      manual adjustment or corrections from a time synchronization
      protocol, implementations must decide how to handle such cases.
      (See Altering, Fuzzing, or Smearing bullet below.)

Proposed Text:

      is consistent with implementation requirements.  For example, if
      it is possible for the system clock to move backward due to either
      manual adjustment or corrections from a time synchronization
      protocol, implementations need to determine how to handle such cases.
      (See Altering, Fuzzing, or Smearing bullet below.)

Other Supporting information below:

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