uuid6 / uuid6-ietf-draft

Next Generation UUID Formats
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Discussion: Unix Timestamp Granularity in UUIDv7 #23

Open kyzer-davis opened 3 years ago

kyzer-davis commented 3 years ago

Question: Too many or too much?

Current Draft-02 implementation:

Alternatives Proposed:

kyzer-davis commented 3 years ago

I vote to leave at 36 in the current implementation, I would rather future proof as much as possible with a larger number than reduce the size and truncate a 64-bit timestamp more.

That being said: Depending on how we choose to encode subsec_a based on #24 we may end up with two more additional bits that are always padded. Might as well give them back to the unixts to go to 38 if that is the case.

bradleypeabody commented 3 years ago

Yes, the 36-bit length was definitely done intentionally in order to avoid running out of numbers - but I do agree it's annoying to use.

Another option would be to use a 32-bit unsigned integer, which runs out in the year 2106. I'm not super excited about an end date that is close enough for my grandchildren to curse me for when it runs out on them, but it's an option and would definitely be simpler to use.

I'll write more on this on #24 in a moment.

nerg4l commented 3 years ago
Bits Signedness End year
32 Signed 2038
32 Unsigned 2106
33 Signed 2106
33 Unsigned 2242
34 Signed 2242
34 Unsigned 2514
35 Signed 2514
35 Unsigned 3058
36 Signed 3058
36 Unsigned 4147

I think 32 bits even if unsigned are not enough. 2106 is not that far in the future.

I can also see the benefit of keeping the value unsigned because generating a UUID before 1970-01-01 shouldn't be a real life use case.

I definitely want to avoid introducing a new epoch. The Unix epoch makes implementations much easier. I don't even know why did they decide to use the Gregorian epoch in case of UUIDv1.

For me anything from 2514 looks good.

bradleypeabody commented 3 years ago

@nerg4l @kyzer-davis If we did the 111 var field from #26 for UUID7, that gives us the first 64 bits clear and free of any other requirements. What if we, despite how clever I thought I was being with this subsecond encoding stuff (I still like the idea but I don't like how much confusion it has created), instead just use a 64-bit nanosecond-precise unix timestamp. I'm not sure if this shoudl replace UUIDv7 or maybe be a separate version (we could do UUID9 ;) ). But regardless, I'm just trying to see if there is a way to simplify this whole thing down so when people read the spec it's like "oh of course, that makes sense" instead of "what the..."

So the new bit layout would be:

   0                   1                   2                   3
    0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1
   |                    unix_nano_timestamp_u64                    |
   |                    unix_nano_timestamp_u64                    |
   | var |  ver    |    seq         |        rand                  |
   |                            rand                               |

Where unix_nano_timestamp_u64 is an unsigned 64-bit unix-like timestamp (but instead of seconds since the epoch it's nanoseconds since the epoch), seq is 8 bits for sequence and rand is random. Max time with this is 2554-07-21 23:34:33 UTC

And then we basically just say basically "implementations can parse out the time if the they like, but the other fields are essentially write-only and are a recommendation - don't try to read these because it's not invalid for implementations make changes after the ver-var field. And factually if implementations wanted to encode random stuff into the least significant bytes of the nanosecond-precise timeestamp - I don't think that should even be explicitly forbidden - it's just like "if you do this, other implementations may get the wrong timestamp - use at your own risk".

I think this would be dramatically simpler and easier to understand.

nerg4l commented 3 years ago

@bradleypeabody I think the variable subsecond handling in UUIDv7 was added because not all languages can return unix timestamp with nanosecond precision eg. JavaScript, PHP.

Changing the position of the version bit would affect some wildly used libraries. Here are some examples:

Edit: It is always quite unfortunate when there are already existing implementations.

fabiolimace commented 3 years ago

Another important thing to keep in mind is how many UUIDs can be generated per unit of time. The more of a type of UUID that can be generated in a given interval, the better.

I did some simple math to get the maximum number of UUIDs version 1 that can be generated in a nanosecond interval. I treated all non-timestamp bits as random bits and obtained the value 461168601842738816 (2**62/10). So I used this number as a reference for comparison with the other UUID types. A fraction called "proportion" is used to express the comparison numerically.

These are the proportions:

I was about to propose an alternative UUIDv7 with 44 bits for timestamp and millisecond precision. But when I did that calculation, I saw how difficult it is to find another layout that beats UUIDv1.

This are the maths:

UUIDv1 Time unit: 100-ns Time bits: 60 Time limit: 5623 AD (260 / 107 / 60 / 60 / 24 / 365.25 + 1970) Remaining bits: 62 (128-60-4-2) UUIDs per nanosecond: 461168601842738816 (262 / 10) Proportion: 1.00 (used as reference) COMBv4 (with version and variant bits): Time unit: ms Time bits: 48 Time limit: 10889 AD (248 / 1000 / 60 / 60 / 24 / 365.25 + 1970) Remaining bits: 74 (128 - 48 - 4 - 2) UUIDs per nanosecond: 18889465931478580 (274 / 106) Proportion: 0.04 (18889465931478580 / 461168601842738816) UUIDv7-34b-sec (34 bits for seconds) Time unit: s Time bits: 34 Time limit: 2514 AD (234 / 60 / 60 / 24 / 365.25 + 1970) Remaining bits: 88 (128 - 34 - 4 - 2) UUIDs per nanosecond: 309485009821345088 (288 / 109) Proportion: 0.67 (309485009821345088 / 461168601842738816) UUIDv7-36b-sec (36 bits for seconds) Time unit: s Time bits: 36 Time limit: 4147 AD (236 / 60 / 60 / 24 / 365.25 + 1970) Remaining bits: 86 (128 - 36 - 4 - 2) UUIDs per nanosecond: 77371252455336272 (286 / 109) Proportion: 0.17 (77371252455336272 / 461168601842738816) UUIDv7-44b-msec (44 bits for MILLIS) Time unit: ms Time bits: 44 Time limit: 2527 AD (244 / 1000 / 60 / 60 / 24 / 365.25 + 1970) Remaining bits: 78 (128 - 44 - 4 - 2) UUIDs per nanosecond: 302231454903657280 (278 / 106) Proportion: 0.66 (302231454903657280 / 461168601842738816) ULID (no version or variant bits): Time unit: ms Time bits: 48 Time limit: 10889 AD (248 / 1000 / 60 / 60 / 24 / 365.25 + 1970) Remaining bits: 80 (128 - 48) UUIDs per nanosecond: 1208925819614629120 (280 / 106) Proportion: 2.62 (1208925819614629120 / 461168601842738816)

edo1 commented 3 years ago
    UUIDs per nanosecond: 461168601842738816 (2**62 / 10)

Wouldn't it be

    UUIDs per nanosecond: 46116860184273879 (2**62 / 100)


BTW, your calculator is wrong a bit. https://play.golang.org/p/B-rzKVAJhNE

fabiolimace commented 3 years ago


Yes. I made a silly mistake in the beginning. All the rest of the calculation is wrong! I will fix this.

Thanks for noticing!

fabiolimace commented 3 years ago

Now any UUIDv7 that we have talked about is better than UUIDv1. I use Python's Decimal() here to avoid division errors.

Note: in this simple (naive?) calculation, all bits that are not timestamps are considered random.

    Time unit: 100-ns
    Time bits: 60
    Time limit: 5623 AD (2**60 / 10**7 / 60 / 60 / 24 / 365.25 + 1970)
    Remaining bits: 62 (128-60-4-2)
    UUIDs per nanosecond: 46116860184273879.04 (Decimal(2**62) / Decimal(100))
    Proportion: 1.00 (used as reference)

COMBv4 (with version and variant bits):
    Time unit: ms
    Time bits: 48
    Time limit: 10889 AD (2**48 / 1000 / 60 / 60 / 24 / 365.25 + 1970)
    Remaining bits: 74 (128 - 48 - 4 - 2)
    UUIDs per nanosecond: 18889465931478580.854784 (Decimal(2**74) / Decimal(10**6))
    Proportion: 0.41 (Decimal(18889465931478580.854784) / Decimal(46116860184273879.04))

UUIDv7-34b-sec (34 bits for seconds)
    Time unit: s
    Time bits: 34
    Time limit: 2514 AD (2**34 / 60 / 60 / 24 / 365.25 + 1970)
    Remaining bits: 88 (128 - 34 - 4 - 2)
    UUIDs per nanosecond: 309485009821345068.724781056 (Decimal(2**88) / Decimal(10**9))
    Proportion: 6.71 (Decimal(309485009821345068.724781056) / Decimal(46116860184273879.04))

UUIDv7-36b-sec (36 bits for seconds)
    Time unit: s
    Time bits: 36
    Time limit: 4147 AD (2**36 / 60 / 60 / 24 / 365.25 + 1970)
    Remaining bits: 86 (128 - 36 - 4 - 2)
    UUIDs per nanosecond: 77371252455336267.181195264 (Decimal(2**86) / Decimal(10**9))
    Proportion: 1.68 (Decimal(77371252455336267.181195264) / Decimal(46116860184273879.04))

UUIDv7-44b-msec (44 bits for MILLIS)
    Time unit: ms
    Time bits: 44
    Time limit: 2527 AD (2**44 / 1000 / 60 / 60 / 24 / 365.25 + 1970)
    Remaining bits: 78 (128 - 44 - 4 - 2)
    UUIDs per nanosecond: 302231454903657293.676544 (Decimal(2**78) / Decimal(10**6))
    Proportion: 6.55 (Decimal(302231454903657293.676544) / Decimal(46116860184273879.04))

ULID (no version or variant bits):
    Time unit: ms
    Time bits: 48
    Time limit: 10889 AD (2**48 / 1000 / 60 / 60 / 24 / 365.25 + 1970)
    Remaining bits: 80 (128 - 48)
    UUIDs per nanosecond: 1208925819614629174.706176 (Decimal(2**80) / Decimal(10**6))
    Proportion: 26.21 (Decimal(1208925819614629174.706176) / Decimal(46116860184273879.04))

UUIDv7-40b-10msec (40 bits for 10-MILLIS)
    Time unit: 10-ms
    Time bits: 40
    Time limit: 2318 AD (2**40 / 10**2 / 60 / 60 / 24 / 365.25 + 1970)
    Remaining bits: 82 (128 - 40 - 4 - 2)
    UUIDs per nanosecond: 483570327845851669.8824704 (Decimal(2**82) / Decimal(10**7))
    Proportion: 10.49 (Decimal(483570327845851669.8824704) / Decimal(46116860184273879.04))

UUIDv7-48b-100usec (48 bits for 100-MICROS)
    Time unit: 100-us
    Time bits: 48
    Time limit: 2861 AD (2**48 / 10**4 / 60 / 60 / 24 / 365.25 + 1970)
    Remaining bits: 74 (128 - 48 - 4 - 2)
    UUIDs per nanosecond: 188894659314785808.54784 (Decimal(2**74) / Decimal(10**5))
    Proportion: 4.10 (Decimal(188894659314785808.54784) / Decimal(46116860184273879.04))

Using the General Birthday Formula

The General Birthday Formula applied to the UUID types:

UUIDv1             Decimal(2**62) / Decimal(10**2)        252846877.03432938
COMBv4             Decimal(2**74) / Decimal(10**6)        161822001.30197080
UUIDv7-34b-sec     Decimal(2**88) / Decimal(10**9)        655009407.54042970
UUIDv7-36b-sec     Decimal(2**86) / Decimal(10**9)        327504703.77021486
UUIDv7-44b-msec    Decimal(2**78) / Decimal(10**6)        647288005.20788320
ULID               Decimal(2**80) / Decimal(10**6)       1294576010.41576650
UUIDv7-40b-10msec  Decimal(2**82) / Decimal(10**7)        818761759.42553700
UUIDv7-48b-100usec Decimal(2**74) / Decimal(10**5)        511726099.64096063

The General Birthday Formula:

import math
from decimal import Decimal

def birthday_formula(t):
     return Decimal(math.sqrt(-2 * math.log(1-1/2)) * math.sqrt(t))

# Example on terminal
>>> uuid1 = Decimal(2**62) / Decimal(10**2)
>>> birthday_formula(uuid1)

The formula calculates the number of UUIDs which need to be generated in order to have a 50% probability of at least one collision.


Update (2021-08-15)

edo1 commented 3 years ago

I vote to leave at 36 in the current implementation

IMO the random part should be as big as possible so keeping 4 leading zero bits is a weird idea.

I think 32 bits even if unsigned are not enough. 2106 is not that far in the future.

Agree. The next option is 33, but the odd number of bits is a bit odd, lol.

UUIDv7-44b-msec (44 bits for MILLIS)

I like it.

UUIDv7-34b-sec (34 bits for seconds)

Is ok too.

fabiolimace commented 3 years ago

I played around with the 40-bit timestamps suggested by Brad in another issue.

If we use 40 bits with 10-milliseconds or centisecond precision:


|             64 bits             |            64 bits             |


|    unixts / 100    |  sequence  |            random              |
                       24 - 4 bits
|       40 bits      |  = 20 bits |     64 - 2 bits =  62 bits     |

- : 2 bits
VV: 4 bits for version
R : 2 bits for variant

UUIDv7-40b-10msec (40 bits for 10-MILLIS)
    Time unit: 10-ms
    Time bits: 40
    Time limit: 2318 AD (2**40 / 10**2 / 60 / 60 / 24 / 365.25 + 1970)
    Remaining bits: 82 (128 - 40 - 4 - 2)
    UUIDs per nanosecond: 483570327845851669.8824704 (Decimal(2**82) / Decimal(10**7))
    Proportion: 10.49 (Decimal(483570327845851669.8824704) / Decimal(46116860184273879.04))

Let me know what you think and if I made another mistake.

PS: the layout shown here is based on ULID with sequence presented by @sergeyprokhorenko in the issue https://github.com/uuid6/uuid6-ietf-draft/issues/27.

edo1 commented 3 years ago

If we use 40 bits with 10-milliseconds or centisecond precision:


The database will be happy with this precision (right?).

  1. Monotonic UUID (centralized generation only) The resolution doesn't matter at all.
  2. Non-monotonic UUID (both centralized and distributed generation) 2.1. Regular (non-clustered) index IMO 10-ms resolution should be enough in almost any case. On very busy systems, the locality may not be good enough, but the timestamp can be easily extended as you suggest. 2.2. Clustered index IMO there is no silver bullet, but improving timestamp resolution could help.

assuming that the random part should change whenever the timestamp changes.

I don't like this idea. This allows you to predict the next UUID value, which could be a security issue.

sergeyprokhorenko commented 3 years ago

I think that human response time is an outdated benchmark. We'd better think about data streems from many IoT sourses. Therefore the more unique are timestamp + sequence the better, because incoming UUIDs are more ordered. In most cases we can concider clock sequence empty or null. So the more different timestamps per second the better.

Therefore we'd better take timestamp precision not more than round trip network request in same data centre (500 microseconds). But we have to pay for high precision by increasing the bit depth of the timestamp. So I think the 1 millisecond timestamp precision is enough.

fabiolimace commented 3 years ago

I think that human response time is an outdated benchmark. We'd better think about data streems from many IoT sourses.

Yes. It's important to keep IoT in mind.

I updated my comment https://github.com/uuid6/uuid6-ietf-draft/issues/23#issuecomment-898939437 to include two new timestamp alternatives:

Also included a table with values generated using the General Birthday Formula. All the bits that are not from timestamp are considered as random in that calculation.

edo1 commented 3 years ago

Also included a table with values generated using the General Birthday Formula.

Unsure that your calculation is correct.

IMO it is better to calculate something like annual collision probability when every nanosecond new UUID is generated.

I use this formula from wiki to calculate probability per tick: image With large n we can simplify the probability of no collision to exp(-n^2/2d).

For UUIDv7-40b-10msec n=10e6, d=2^82; the probability of no collision per tick is image

The annual (100*3600*24*365 ticks per year) probability of collision is image ≈3.2%

For UUID v4 it will be one big tick, n=1e9*3600*24*365, d=2^122; image ≈0.009% (a lot better!)

fabiolimace commented 3 years ago

Excellent, @edo1!

Now we have a mathematical tool to help us evaluate all the options and trade offs involved. I don't care if my calculations were wrong if it encouraged someone to do something a lot better.

edo1 commented 3 years ago

Have made a spreadsheet with some UUID variants.

In all cases, all effective non-timestamp bits are considered random.

The target is P collisions/year: the annual collision probability when every nanosecond new UUID is generated. Best variants in each group (UUID v7, UUID variant 3, UUID var3/whole bytes) are marked in green.

You could make a copy of the spreadsheet and play around with constants/formulas. Feel free to comment or ask any questions.

fabiolimace commented 3 years ago

Great, @edo1 !

We can adjust the life span of the UUIDv7 in the field "years after now", right? It's interesting how the number of years affects the probability of collision. But why don't we use 200 years?

The life span of 120 shows that UUIDv7 with 39 bits and centisecond precision is the best option. But I prefer not using this number of bits to prevent someone storing this type of UUID in a SIGNED integer field. If this occurs, the "last date" becomes 2057, not 2144.

If we adjust the life span to 200 years, the "best" option becomes 40 bits (5 whole bytes), and the last date becomes 2318 (unsigned) or 2144 (signed)(witch is 123 years after now).

Please change the fields "stolen bits" of UUID variant 3 to 3. The bit sequence for this variant is '111'.

edo1 commented 3 years ago

We can adjust the life span of the UUIDv7 in the field "years after now", right? It's interesting how the number of years affects the probability of collision. But why don't we use 200 years?

You can make your own copy and change anything image

Or you can download the spreadsheet in the Excel/OpenOffice format and change the numbers locally.

But I prefer not using this number of bits to prevent someone storing this type of UUID in a SIGNED integer field

Any reason to use signed int here? A 64-bit signed int can be truncated to 39-bit unsigned without any problems.

Please change the fields "stolen bits" of UUID variant 3 to 3. The bit sequence for this variant is '111'.

Oops, thanks for pointing that out

edo1 commented 3 years ago

Actually, I do not exclude the option of making the epoch even shorter.

last date is probably a bad name. Nothing really bad should happen when an integer overflow occurs. The probability of collisions will increase with each cycle, but with a long timestamp, we will have about the same increased probability right now. Timestamp wrapping is not very good in terms of data sortability and locality, but still, the situation will be much better than with a random UUID

And I don't expect a very long lifespan for 128 bit UUIDs. It is very likely that in 50 or 100 years, 256-bit identifiers (or something radically new) will be used.

sergeyprokhorenko commented 3 years ago

I think we could start a new epoch from 2021 instead of use of Unix time

sergeyprokhorenko commented 3 years ago

And I don't expect a very long lifespan for 128 bit UUIDs. It is very likely that in 50 or 100 years, 256-bit identifiers (or something radically new) will be used.

160-bit identifiers would be great right now. By the way, 160-bit identifiers in Crockford's base32 would be the same length as 128-bit identifiers in usual UUID string format. Therefore they are compartible.

nerg4l commented 3 years ago


[...] The target is P collisions/year: the annual collision probability when every nanosecond new UUID is generated. [...]

Is the spreadsheet correct? The "when every nanosecond new UUID is generated" part in case of ns precision would mean that every nanosecond the time is incremented and because of that the probability of collision is theoretically 0.

broofa commented 3 years ago

Might as well give them back to the unixts to go to 38 if that is the case.


  • 34 bit timestamp, giving 2 bits back to entropy/node/randomness

The way I read RFC4122, it discourages fields that are a non-integral number of octets in length. (I.e. field bit lengths should be a multiple of 4 bits. So 32, 36, 40 are okay. 34 and 38 are not.)

From the RFC:

To minimize confusion about bit assignments within octets, the UUID record definition is defined only in terms of fields that are integral numbers of octets

I know this is just expository text in the RFC, but I believe it's well-founded guidance. Sub-octet field definitions make it difficult for humans to interpret a UUID. Witness how the hex-digit containing the variant field changes based on the clockseq value. 😦

edo1 commented 3 years ago

Is the spreadsheet correct? The "when every nanosecond new UUID is generated" part in case of ns precision would mean that every nanosecond the time is incremented and because of that the probability of collision is theoretically 0.

You are right. Initially, I assumed that n is large, so the formula does not work correctly in the edge case: n*(n-1)≉n^2 when n=1. Thank you for pointing this out. Fixed.

Also added the second sheet with graphs, they clearly show collision probability mainly depends on bits count and on epoch length, not on timestamp/random split.

bradleypeabody commented 3 years ago

In https://github.com/uuid6/uuid6-ietf-draft/blob/master/LATEST.md, I'm proposing that we use an unsigned 64-bit nano-seconds since the Unix epoch timestamp (and move the version field out of the way - so it's exactly the first 8 bytes). Max timestamp value is 2554-07-21T23:34:33.999999999Z. The rationale is:


edo1 commented 3 years ago

The "when every nanosecond new UUID is generated" part in case of ns precision would mean that every nanosecond the time is incremented and because of that the probability of collision is theoretically 0.

After some thought, I decided to change the model a bit.

It looks more realistic if there are still 10⁹ UUIDs generated per second, but each UUID is generated at a random time within a second. We continue to consider the annual collision probability as an objective function.

The same formula will be used to calculate the probability of NO collisions per second: Ps = exp(-n^2/2d) n = 1e9; d = (1e9/res) * (2^rbits), where res is timestamp resolution in nanoseconds, rbits - random bits count; Ps = exp(-1e9*1e9/2/(1e9/res)/2^rbits) = exp(-1e9*res/2/2^rbits)

Annual NO collision probability: Py = Ps^(3600*24*365) = exp(-1e9*res/2/2^rbits)^(3600*24*365) = exp(-1e9*res*3600*24*365/2/2^rbits)

It would be nice if someone could check that there is no error in the formula.

The spreadsheet has been updated, with almost no changes in numbers, except for 1 ns and 10 ns resolution. Also added collision probability for 20 years and 100 years (columns P collisions/20y and P collisions/100y). UUID proposal from #35 was added as well.

nerg4l commented 3 years ago

Also added collision probability for 20 years and 100 years (columns P collisions/20y and P collisions/100y).

For time based UUIDs the number of years shouldn't matter.

The random bit is the same but the time is different there for no collision. You should have the same value for P collisions/year, P collisions/20y, or P collisions/hour up to the resolution of the time.

Correct me if I'm wrong.

edo1 commented 3 years ago

@nerg4l I do not speak English well enough to talk about probability theory, but I'll try to explain with a simple example. Let's say you buy an instant lottery ticket every day. The chance that the purchased ticket will be a winning one is 1: 1,000,000. The ticket must be checked immediately, yesterday's ticket cannot be won today. Will the odds of winning at least once be the same within 1 year and 20 years?

nerg4l commented 3 years ago

Got it, thanks for the explanation.

edo1 commented 3 years ago

The spreadsheet has been updated, with almost no changes in numbers, except for 1 ns and 10 ns resolution. Also added collision probability for 20 years and 100 years (columns P collisions/20y and P collisions/100y). UUID proposal from #35 was added as well.

33 proposal added.

kyzer-davis commented 2 years ago

Draft 03 Timestamp Granularity now features a one-stop-stop section of all the lessons learned from our threads on timestamp granularity. Please give it a review and let me know if I missed something.

edo1 commented 2 years ago

Spreadsheet has been updated again to match the final version.

In this category, the situation is clearly worse: the annual collision probability at 1,000,000,000 UUIDs per second is more than 80% (or ≈0.17% at 1,000,000 UUIDs per second).

On the other hand, at 19,500 UUIDs per second it is safe enough (the probability of a collision is no more than 1:1,000,000,000 in 50 years). Update: there was an error in the formula, correct number in https://github.com/uuid6/uuid6-ietf-draft/issues/23#issuecomment-1090875323

broofa commented 2 years ago

In this category, the situation is clearly worse: the annual collision probability at 1,000,000,000 UUIDs per second is more than 80% (or ≈0.17% at 1,000,000 UUIDs per second).

@edo1 Something seems wrong here. Why would the probability of collision increase over time for timestamp-based UUIDs?

For such UUIDs, collisions can only occur for ids with the same timestamp. I.e. collisions are scoped to a specific timestamp interval, thus, it doesn't really matter how many intervals there are. The only factor should be the UUID creation rate, since that's what effects how many UUIDs are generated per interval.

For example, with "UUID v7 final" creating 109 UUIDs / second corresponds to 106 UUIDs / timestamp interval. Doing the birthday problem math for that (106 random 73-bit values) I get a collision probability of 5.3 x 10-11.

I.e. I think "P collisions/year" should be 0.0000000053%, not 82%.

Edit to add: This is one reason why comparing v4 and v1 (or, now, v7) is always a bit of an apples-to-oranges comparison: v4 depends on total # of ids produced, v1 depends on creation rate. (Generally speaking, the former is more collision resistant until you've generated some very-large number of ids.)

edo1 commented 2 years ago

For example, with "UUID v7 final" creating 109 UUIDs / second corresponds to 106 UUIDs / timestamp interval. Doing the birthday problem math for that (106 random 73-bit values) I get a collision probability of 5.3 x 10-11.


I.e. I think "P collisions/year" should be 0.0000000053%, not 82%.

No. This is the probability that a collision will occur per millisecond. Every millisecond we have 0.0000000053% probability that a collision will occur, and Pms ≈ 99.9999999947% that it won't.

Now for a year: Pyear = (Pms)1000⋅3600⋅24⋅365 ≈ 0.9999999999471000⋅3600⋅24⋅365 ≈ 0.188

The chance of not having a single collision per year is less than 20%.

martinheidegger commented 2 years ago

The collision chance for the random part is indeed high, but since the timestamp is part of the ID, there will be no ID collision, right?

edo1 commented 2 years ago

@martinheidegger there will be no collisions of UUIDs with different timestamps, you are right. But collision of UUIDs with the same timestamp is still possible. Even a very low collision probability of 0.0000000053% can rise to more than 80% in 100⋅3600⋅24⋅365 ≈ 3⋅1010 iterations (there are 100⋅3600⋅24⋅365 ms in a year)

martinheidegger commented 2 years ago

Implementing UUIDv7 properly, only UUID's created within the same ms / ns will have the same timestamp?! Why try to calculate it for the timeframe of a year?

broofa commented 2 years ago

This is the probability that a collision will occur per millisecond ... Now for a year...

Ah, right. Birthday problem logic still applies based on the number of time intervals. 'Forgot about that. (This isn't the first time I've made this mistake. 😝 )

@martinheidegger: I believe @edo1 is correct here. Timestamps do prevent collision across time intervals, but there's a non-zero chance the random portion of ids in the same interval will collide. Add up the odds of all the [astronomic number of] permutations where one or more intervals might contain a collision and you get the 82% 81% number.

All: So what's the consensus opinion on the fact v7 has poorer collision resistance than v1 or other versions? Worth worrying about?

We could shorten the timestamp field to 44-bits, as discussed previously. That brings the probability down to ~10%. But... does that 8x improvement from 80% -> 10% really matter? We're dealing with such extreme use cases here that improvements that are less than an order of magnitude in nature probably won't move the needle much in terms of how we do / don't satisfy user requirements.

sergeyprokhorenko commented 2 years ago

If there is only one UUID generator per database table, then the combination of the timestamp with the counter guarantees 100% that collisions will never occur. It's like autoincrement. We don't even need a pseudo-random segment.

If there are multiple generators, then adding the generator ID to the right of the UUID will give the same 100% effect. This is allowed by clause 6.9 of the published Internet-Draft.

All calculations above ignore the number of UUID generators per database table. Therefore, all these calculations are wrong. The statement that v7 has poorer collision resistance than v1 or other versions is false.

The more UUID generators per database table, the higher the chance of a collision. With a small number of UUID generators, counters are more effective at preventing collisions than pseudo-random segments. Counters act like timestamps.

edo1 commented 2 years ago

If there are multiple generators, then adding the generator ID to the right of the UUID will give the same 100% effect. This is allowed by clause 6.9 of the published Internet-Draft.

Do you mean 6.3?

Node IDs: With this method, a pseudo-random Node ID value is placed within the UUID layout. This identifier helps ensure the bit-space for a given node is unique, resulting in UUIDs that do not conflict with any other UUID created by another node with a different node id. Implementations that choose to leverage an embedded node id SHOULD utilize UUIDv8.

Or do you mean increasing the UUID length with additional fields? Yes, it can solve this problem. But this breaks the idea of compatibility with RFC4122, which is already implemented in DBMS, e.g. PostgreSQL uuid, MS SQL uniqueidentifier.

sergeyprokhorenko commented 2 years ago

Do you mean 6.3?

No. I mean 6.9: "DBMS vendors are encouraged to provide functionality to generate and store UUID formats defined by this specification for use as identifiers or left parts of identifiers...". It's the recommended UUIDv7

Or do you mean increasing the UUID length with additional fields?

I mean the extra segments (additional random segment + metadata) to the right of the UUID in the long concatenated identifier.

But this breaks the idea of compatibility with RFC4122

Not always. It depends on the circumstances. The database developer can allocate a field in the database table for the long concatenated identifier, or he/she can break the long identifier into UUID and metadata. Сompatibility is not always good. I previously wanted a 160-bit UUID with metadata inside, but a concatenated identifier is an even more flexible technical solution. UUID is a standardized feature of the UUID generator (of the DBMS), while concatenated identifier is a custom feature of a particular database table.

We should not adapt to the limitations of the current DBMS. On the contrary, DBMS developers will have to adapt to new UUID versions.

kyzer-davis commented 2 years ago

"1,000,000,000 UUIDs per second" collision test

I would assume the crux of the issue is UUIDv7 features MS resolution while UUIDv1 has 100-NS. With this we are paused on the timestamp for longer while the rest of the UUID entropy is doing it's thing. That is, UUIDv7's timestamp bit does not advance as fast as UUIDv1 which means more entropy rolls per timestamp bit tick. Thus more rolls = more collision probability.

~The problem that I see with this test is that the last column shows "Safe UUIDs per second" favors UUIDv7 over UUIDv1. This confused me a tiny bit, how can UUIDv7 beat UUIDv1 per second but lose the race over time?~ Has been fixed.

What does this look like if we say: "generate 1 million UUID per timestamp bit tick" so the actual real-world time does not matter and we are comparing entropy characteristics only. This would be a fair comparison since both timestamps are paused for 1 million random entropy generations. Run that test on both the same N number of times to keep it fair. My theory is that this has to favor UUIDv7 because I have a hard time wrapping my head around how 48 bit timestamp vs 60 bit timestamp where there are less entropy bits comes out to worse entropy characteristics when there are more bits dedicated to that that in UUIDv7 vs UUIDv1.

Thinking about 44 vs 48 @broofa discussed: It is true, we are talking about the extremes. I don't see why we further reduce the timestamp in favor of more entropy which counteracts the point above where we now pause on each tick longer increasing entropy rolls and thus more chances for a collision. Could the other method prove better? e.g. Take Unix TS to 64-bit Nanoseconds and reduce entropy bits? This means the TS will advance faster and we roll entropy less each tick.

Now that all being said, remember that we should be using an embedded counter from Section 6.2 for same-timestamp batch UUIDv7 creation and this is one of the perfect scenarios to illustrate it's usefulness. Here each counter tick within the frozen timestamp ensures we have a unique bit-space for the UUID entropy generation (with bonuses on storability as a secondary characteristics.)

Let's run through a scenario: In our system we have a need to create up to 1,000,000 UUIDs per timestamp MS tick (even more granular than your per second test).

In this scenario implementers should select an increment method from Draft 03:

Then select an increment type. (To keep things easy let's say plus one increment type)

Embedded counter using N-1 rollover guard and plus one increment:

First UUID

Second UUID

...Repeat for next set of UUID up to the millionth or timestamp moves forward. Incrementing rollover counter where required.

Alternative method for random as counter with plus one increment type:

First UUID

Second UUID

...Repeat for next set of UUID up to the millionth or timestamp moves forward.

edo1 commented 2 years ago

The problem is that the last column shows "Safe UUIDs per second" favors UUIDv7 over UUIDv1. This confused me a tiny bit, how can UUIDv7 beat UUIDv1 per second but lose the race over time?

OMG! There was a foolish error in the formula (the wrong row number was substituted during copy-paste). Fixed, thank you.

Only ≈3 UUIDs per millisecond can be considered safe (less than 1:1,000,000,000 collision chance in 50 years).

kyzer-davis commented 2 years ago

Thanks @edo1,

One other problem in the spreadsheet: UUIDv7 in Draft 03 has 74 bits of entropy (rand_a (12) and rand_b (62)) and your document has 73. This may be a bad copy paste from the ol' E variant which stole a bit form entropy but is no longer relevant. https://www.ietf.org/archive/id/draft-peabody-dispatch-new-uuid-format-03.html#name-uuid-version-7

That being said, I think the overall test is moot because it ignores the other characteristics of the UUIDv7 draft which solve the collision problems via methods other than increasing/decreasing timestamp or entropy.

That is, section 6.2 solves bulk UUID generation within a single timestamp via embedded counter logic. If we are doing bulk gen as this test implied then we should be selecting a counter method and increment type. Assuming the counter does not overflow, we should have 0 collisions.

Furthermore, Section 6.3 can be layered onto 6.2 and solve the problem for adding N number of nodes. Assuming everybody has a unique ID; our bitpace does not conflict with anybody else within the application context removing collisions.

edo1 commented 2 years ago

One other problem in the spreadsheet: UUIDv7 in Draft 03 has 74 bits of entropy (rand_a (12) and rand_b (62)) and your document has 73.

I meant the mechanism from this paragraph: Implementations utilizing fixed-length counter method MAY also choose to randomly initialize a portion counter rather than the entire counter. For example, a 24 bit counter could have the 23 bits in least-significant, right-most, position randomly initialized. The remaining most significant, left-most counter bits are initialized as zero for the sole purpose of guarding against counter rollovers.

That being said, I think the overall test is moot because it ignores the other characteristics of the UUIDv7 draft which solve the collision problems via methods other than increasing/decreasing timestamp or entropy. That is, section 6.2 solves bulk UUID generation within a single timestamp via embedded counter logic.

Of course, in the case of the centralized UUID generation, it is easy to avoid collisions. Much more interesting is the case of distributed UUID generation on autonomic nodes.

Assuming everybody has a unique ID

In many cases, it is impossible/nearly impossible to assign each node a short unique ID. E. g. a smartphone app collects some data in offline mode and sends it to the server a day after. At some point, 1,000,000 new users may decide to install this application. Or someone might decide to run 1,000,000,000 instances of the application in a simulator.

And doesn't this paragraph mean that UUID v7 cannot use embedded node ID? Node IDs: With this method, a pseudo-random Node ID value is placed within the UUID layout. This identifier helps ensure the bit-space for a given node is unique, resulting in UUIDs that do not conflict with any other UUID created by another node with a different node id. Implementations that choose to leverage an embedded node id SHOULD utilize UUIDv8.

kyzer-davis commented 2 years ago

@edo1, great discussion. I do love the data modeling and probability checks! Don't think I am discouraging this type of work.

Personally I would love something we could provide to folks that can be used to test the "required number of bits for fixed-length counter length within their real-world application" e.g "I want to be able to generate 1,000,000 UUIDs per MS timestamp Tick" so on paper using 21 bit fixed-length counter along with N-1 Rollover Guard should be sufficient; but in reality the application compute can only generate 500,000 per MS tick resulting in some wasted counter bits that could have been better allocated to entropy.

My key points on the counters:

Distributed Node Generation:

sergeyprokhorenko commented 2 years ago

SHOULD utilize UUIDv8 looks like a ban for version 7. A more unambiguous phrase is desirable.

kyzer-davis commented 2 years ago

@sergeyprokhorenko, Unfortunately my verbiage in this document is highly restricted by RFC2119; of which the descriptions are anything but unambiguous.

SHOULD seems to fit the bill for what I am trying to convey but if there is a reason to convert it to MAY that is also fine with me. Both copied from RFC 2119 for reference below:

3. SHOULD This word, or the adjective "RECOMMENDED", mean that there may exist valid reasons in particular circumstances to ignore a particular item, but the full implications must be understood and carefully weighed before choosing a different course.

5. MAY This word, or the adjective "OPTIONAL", mean that an item is truly optional. One vendor may choose to include the item because a particular marketplace requires it or because the vendor feels that it enhances the product while another vendor may omit the same item. An implementation which does not include a particular option MUST be prepared to interoperate with another implementation which does include the option, though perhaps with reduced functionality. In the same vein an implementation which does include a particular option MUST be prepared to interoperate with another implementation which does not include the option (except, of course, for the feature the option provides.)

The other point I am trying to make here is that UUIDv8 is a totally valid use case for edge scenarios like this test is conveying. UUIDv7 in Draft 03 works for majority of use cases. If an application implementer vets v7 and needs make some changes, there is nothing stopping them from forking v7 into v8, making those changes and calling it a day. UUIDv8 gives them the opportunity to do what they please while having a standard compliant UUID.

sergeyprokhorenko commented 2 years ago

@kyzer-davis, There is a good example in section 6.9. DBMS and Database Considerations: DBMS vendors are encouraged to...

You can use it for this text: "Implementations that choose to leverage an embedded node id are encouraged to utilize UUIDv8 for more flexible layout. They MAY also choose to concatenate the UUID with the node id (and other elements) on the right into a single identifier".

Italics is my addition.