Publishing with release-please ended up being a bit of a clusterfuck. I got the release out, but had to disable the "if release_created..." statements to do so because, for the life of me, I couldn't get it to run those steps otherwise.
Not knowing what release please is doing under the hood it's hard to say what the issue[s] might be. I'm going to leave it in place for now and just see how it behaves now that it's done one release for us.
There is a bit of followup work, though:
[x] clean up CHANGELOG file
[ ] figure out why release_created flag isn't getting set
[x] remove release-please config and manifest files (these were added by the release-please bootstrap command, but they don't seem with any of the issues I ran into.)
Publishing with release-please ended up being a bit of a clusterfuck. I got the release out, but had to disable the "if
..." statements to do so because, for the life of me, I couldn't get it to run those steps otherwise.Not knowing what release please is doing under the hood it's hard to say what the issue[s] might be. I'm going to leave it in place for now and just see how it behaves now that it's done one release for us.
There is a bit of followup work, though:
flag isn't getting setrelease-please bootstrap
command, but they don't seem with any of the issues I ran into.)