uvdesk / community-skeleton

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imap with outlook no longer working => ErrorException { …}] #645

Closed steveb85 closed 1 year ago

steveb85 commented 1 year ago

Processing uvdesk mailbox configuration.

  1. Opening imap stream... 17:06:00 WARNING [php] Warning: imap_open(): Couldn't open stream {outlook.office365.com:993/imap/ssl}INBOX ["exception" => ErrorException { …}]

  2. IMAP stream opened.

steveb85 commented 1 year ago

i noticed my cron wasn't working (it previously had been) and when i ran the uvdesk:refresh-mailbox manually in CLI i found this issue which is super tough

steveb85 commented 1 year ago

I'm wondering if it is because outlook office 365 has depreciated basic auth? If that's the case then it renders uvdesk useless to anyone using office365 as an email server

steveb85 commented 1 year ago

i have just tested with a dummy gmail account, and it seems that it works. so the issue is outlook, if @PeopleInside or @vipin-shrivastava have any update on how to use with outlook that would be great. I've been using an app password but it's not working still. something is not correct

steveb85 commented 1 year ago

new errors

  1. Processing uvdesk mailbox configuration.

  2. Opening imap stream...

  3. IMAP stream opened.

  4. Fetching Email collection since 09 February 2023.

  5. Total fetched email -> 7

  6. Starting to convert Emails into Tickets ->


    Converting email 1 out of 7.

    Converting email 2 out of 7.

    Converting email 3 out of 7.

    Converting email 4 out of 7.

    Converting email 5 out of 7.

    Converting email 6 out of 7.

    Error -> Attention Required! | Cloudflare

komal-sh-27 commented 1 year ago

Can you please share the log file of your project. Follow the below path for log file: your-project/var/log/dev.log file

dev log-file

Please share the files on our support center from here

Also, you can try with the new version v-1.1.2 of mailbox components bundle. You can change the mailbox bundle using the below command:

$ composer require uvdesk/mailbox-component

After that again setup of mailbox and cleared the cache of project using the below command:

$ php bin/console c:c

steveb85 commented 1 year ago

thanks, i sent the log files.

I added the mailbox-component and cleared cache, no change. I'm wondering if this is a microsoft issue, looking for other ways to test that

steveb85 commented 1 year ago

thanks @Komal-sharma-2712

steveb85 commented 1 year ago

Current Print from refresh mailbox

obviously it's about authentication. i ahve tried inboxes with basic auth, and some with a office365 app password

steveb85 commented 1 year ago

IT seems that microsoft won't support this auth in any way moving forward, we will need an oauth option ot use a microsoft IMAP connection. SMTP is possible to send emails, but this makes the UV desk somewhat redundant until this can be updated. https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/exchange/client-developer/legacy-protocols/how-to-authenticate-an-imap-pop-smtp-application-by-using-oauth

steveb85 commented 1 year ago

work around was to forward my office 365 mail -> gmail account, and read that. it's horrible work around but surviving until uvdesk can implement better auth processes