No one really knows which parts of the CMakeLists are relevent and which parts can be ignored. For example, in order to get past the annoying issues of a node needing a msg file, which will only be built after the node itself is compiled (which will fail because of the missing msg), we just throw ${catkin_EXPORTED_TARGETS} into the dependencies. While this works I think this increases the amount of memory required during compilation (which the odroids dont have). So if that can be cleaned up I think compiling will go down a lot smoother
No one really knows which parts of the CMakeLists are relevent and which parts can be ignored. For example, in order to get past the annoying issues of a node needing a msg file, which will only be built after the node itself is compiled (which will fail because of the missing msg), we just throw ${catkin_EXPORTED_TARGETS} into the dependencies. While this works I think this increases the amount of memory required during compilation (which the odroids dont have). So if that can be cleaned up I think compiling will go down a lot smoother